Half Of All Skills Will Be Outdated Within Two Years, Study Suggests::AI will redirect jobs and career prospects, but its impact on jobs and tasks is murky.
Yeah cause ‘works well with a team’ or ‘can explain a down month to a client’ is about to be replaced by an LLM. Bullshit. Nothing to see here.
Finally, we’re gonna depricate C cuz random people who were surveyed said so.
tbf, when was the last time you used assembly. Your skills are rusting away. It’s time you go learn something else to keep sharp. And never forget your quick basics.
Finally, all these years of maintaining no skills pay off.
This is why I just focus on Rocket League now.
lol. If the overlords want to hasten their overthrow, then sure.
I can’t think of a more likely scenario that puts the rich onto dinner plates.
They’re forgetting rule 0: do not get on the Infra team’s bad side.
And maybe everyone will finally stop calling me to ask one last real quick technology question…
Totally thought this was an Onion headline, and laughed.
I think this is a very limited definition of the word “skills”.
Executives believe nearly half of the skills that exist in today’s workforce won’t be relevant just two years from now, thanks to artificial intelligence.
Executives are such dumbasses
That is literally all this “study” did. Ask people how many of their skills they think will be obsoleted. This headline is ridiculous.
Maybe it’s “Half of all exec can be replaced with AI in 2 years”
The most logical next step. AI? If you’re listening you heard it hear baby