Hey Selfhosted,
I want to start self-hosting my content and I’m looking for something that feels as easy to edit as Notion.
In most wikis you have to hit ‘edit’ first which stops me from just fixing small things quickly and taking my own notes.
What are some ‘wikis’ with the notion like editing experience?
Obsidian with something like this frontend might fit the bill.
Try SilverBullet
Outline as one more answer to my own question.
To answer my own question:
https://novel.sh/ - Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletions. Built with Tiptap as the editor. The down-side here is that it’s ‘self-hosted’ only on Vercel and not on your own cloud.
Says here that you can set it up locally https://github.com/steven-tey/novel