Uhh, no. Eyeo does not own uBlock Origin. Eyeo is AdBlock Plus and they own uBlock by uBlock, LLC. uBlock Origin is a Free Open Source Project developed by Raymond Hill. From their manifesto: “The uBO project does not support Adblock Plus' "Acceptable Ads Manifesto" because the "Acceptable Ads" marketing campaign is the business plan of a for-profit entity.”
That's a massive accidental misinformation blunder from the journalist.
EDIT: added some details that might get confusing because Eyeo are a bunch of ass hats.
The owners of Ublock, eyeo, are extensively quoted in the article, although ublock itself is only mentioned once as one of their holdings.
Uhh, no. Eyeo does not own uBlock Origin. Eyeo is AdBlock Plus and they own uBlock by uBlock, LLC. uBlock Origin is a Free Open Source Project developed by Raymond Hill. From their manifesto: “The uBO project does not support Adblock Plus' "Acceptable Ads Manifesto" because the "Acceptable Ads" marketing campaign is the business plan of a for-profit entity.” That's a massive accidental misinformation blunder from the journalist.
EDIT: added some details that might get confusing because Eyeo are a bunch of ass hats.
Yea that is very confusing, especially when UBO is often referred to as simply UBlock. Thanks for the info.