Telegram, the encrypted messaging app, has quietly restricted access to several channels affiliated with the Palestinian armed group Hamas.
Hamas’s official account, the account of its armed wing the Qassam Brigades, and the news account Gaza Now have not been accessible on versions of Telegram downloaded from Google Play or Apple’s App Store since last week.
*sigh* Telegram isn't an "encrypted messaging app" unless you explicitly turn on "secret chats" that only work for one-on-one conversations and only on mobile. everything else can be read by the server.
It is encryped unlike SMS for example, it's just not E2E encrypted
Well which messenger uses completely unencrypted communication?
Encrypted messaging kinda means E2E these days.
At this point any web service is encrypted because it uses https then. Technivamly true but as everyone is doing it it doesn’t mean anything anymore, so the meaning has changed to mean E2E encrypted.
Https does not make the chats encrypted
So what about the misinformation coming from Israel? This wouldn’t be pure virtue signaling, would it?
All this will achieve is make them move onto an actually good platform.
*Palestinian government channels
They always refer to Likud propaganda channels as "Israeli" though, funny that.