Been thinking of doing this for over a year and finally got round to it. Found parts. Spent hours soldering, lubricating, stuffing with foam and programming QMK. So happy with the final result. It’s a joy to use.

Gateron yellow switches. YMDK PCB, backplate and case. Ali Express keycaps.

It’s a budget build and none of this is high end…but it has still worked out really well.

  • cRazi_man@lemm.eeOP
    11 months ago

    Keyboards aren’t difficult to build nowadays with what’s available. Worth looking at if you’re interested.

    Although it can get expensive pretty quikly and if you’re not the type to enjoy making things like this then there are a lot of good premade ones you can buy now.

    Also if you find this entertaining, then you could also try going down the rabbithole of handwired keyboards.