You can totally use emojis as passwords. You can probably even make this a policy at your company.

Edit: I thought this was an obvious enough joke, but just to clear things up: Only do this if you hate your company and everyone working there.

    1 year ago

    For somewhat more realistic numbers:

    According to, an NVidia RTX 4090 has a hashrate of 118.07MH/s. This is 118.07 Megahashes per second, or 118.070.000 hashes per second. For a password with only 8 lowercase letters (208.827.064.576 combinations), it would take an RTX 4090 approximately 1769 seconds (or ~30 minutes) to go through all possible combinations. For an 8 character upper+lower+numbers password (218340105584896 combinations) it would take 1849243 seconds, or 21.4 days.

    For an 8 emoji password (32482071647592311234920185856 combinations), it would take 275.108.593.610.504.896.512 seconds, or 8.723.636.276.335 years.

    Lets say a magic prediction algorithm reduces the number of possible combinations in each password to 1 out of every 1 million previously possible combinations. 8 lowercase letters would be cracked instantly, while an 8 emoji password would still take 8.723.636 years.