As the title says, I am looking to buy a DSi XL (yes exactly that model) to add to my chandheld collection. What would be the best place to find some reasonably priced ones?

    1 year ago

    Your best bet is some combination of Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, and eBay.

    The first two will be heavily dependent on if those are popular in your area, but FB marketplace has been great for me in scoring retro game/system bundles in the past as some people are simply looking to get rid of stuff without much thought put behind it.

    Craigslist is uhh, acceptable? I’ve mostly phased it out as most people looking to simply get rid of something (and not spending hours pricing things out) have left for more casual places like marketplace.

    Ebay is likely going to be the closest to actual market rate and without knowing what the collector scene currently sees as reasonable for this particular model I have no idea if it’s become some token collectors item or not.

    Hope this helps