The description is a bit vague.

Does “members” mean paying members? I plan to do at least ARPA but I don’t even have a free UNIX shell account anymore (I used one for about a month a few years ago, but I think it expired due to inactivity).

What topics are acceptable here? I have a few questions about using Lemmy in general, and some specific ones about this instance. Is this the right local community to post them in?

    • jtk@lemmy.sdf.orgOP
      1 year ago

      I’m asking what the community description means by “member”. I didn’t want to start posting if I didn’t meet the requirements. If it’s just anyone that signs up for any of those, then that’s my answer. I’m probably just going to use Lemmy. I already had a Mastodon with before I knew SDF had one. I don’t have use for a shell account, other than occasional fun, which I don’t have much time for these days :/ but, as far as I know, there’s no way to support SDFs efforts hosting lemmy and mastodon, with money, outside of picking something from the shell accounts. Maybe I could just name my own price and start sending checks?

      I will use but that was just an example on my mind. What topics are considered acceptable in this community? I ask because it appears to be the most active local communities on SDF but the description is vague. Is it intended to be a general purpose chat for “members”?

      1 year ago

      Weird bugs in my lemmy client…

      Deleted comment was:

      In what context are you asking about the definition of a “member”? SDF has lots of different memberships. Lemmy, shell accounts, Mastodon, etc.

      For general questions about lemmy, you might have lots of luck over in