I am wanting to self host a fediverse instance. I don’t hope to make it big. Hoping for 200 users at most, and I won’t advertise it heavily so it’ll probably be a while before it gets there.

Is it a bad idea to host something like this on local hardware at home? I have a lot of local-only self hosted services, and I wouldn’t want those to be compromised.

But my biggest fear is overloading my network. I already don’t get the fastest signal in some parts of my house, and I am worried the extra traffic might put more pressure on the network.

What are your thoughts on hosting local? Should I just avoid the headache and host on public instance?

  • hips_and_nips@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    My standards however will always remain on “No government has any business in private stuff.”

    I never thought I’d see someone openly admit, even advocate, that they’re willing to host child sexual assault material on hardware they own. That’s a sad hill to die on.

    I don’t really care about anything else you’ve written to justify your blanket standards either. All it takes is one example (CSAM) to show the depravity of your standards.

    I’m all about privacy, even so far as to emigrate from the US to a country in the EU for privacy. But I have compassion and empathy and am also aware of ethical behavior, morality, and decency.

    Privacy is not more valuable than protecting innocent human lives. If you can’t see that, you are lost. I’m sorry.