As of this writing, Baldur’s Gate 3 updated to ‘Patch 4’ with a lot of changes. Unfortunately, those changes mean there will not be a standalone ‘Patch 4’ to update your game. The developers made a lot of changes to the system files, thus not allowing the ability to create a update patch. You will have to download the whole game again with Patch 4 included.

As of this writing, Fitgirl/DODI have not updated to this version. The only torrent one I know of is a Steam version on 1337x by IGGGAMESCOM; full game w/ Patch 4 included.

Just to note: Patch 4 has broken a lot of mods, and has a few issues of its own. Also, from reports here, it breaks Vulkan on Linux. User beware.

  • rodneyck@lemmy.worldOP
    10 months ago

    Just an update on this, Patch 5 was released and it was a huge update. Once again, even the developers recommend downloading the whole game again with Patch 5 included. To my knowledge, both Fitgirl/DODI are still offering outdated versions. You can get the latest game + Patch5 on 1337z by IGGGAMESCOM, works well for me.

    11 months ago

    Thanks for the update. Very useful for those who were using multiplayer through direct connection with legitimate versions of the game