Apparently we can’t have a civil discussion here without arrogant assholes inserting themselves into the conversation so they can gaslight us. This has become as bad as reddit.

If you want to discuss the problems with discord, then take it to tumblr, I guess.

I’m done here. Peace to most of you who were nice, and to the few who weren’t, I hope I never see you around again. Bye.

    9 months ago

    But that comment was correct and not offensive. What happened? Was there some kind of argument / rudeness, which I am not seeing?

      9 months ago

      I saw the comment before it was removed. It was along the lines of OP saying,

      “This is the type of reddit response that I moved to Lemmy to avoid” and then continued on a few more sentences antagonizing the person for making a dissenting comment. Essentially finishing with “just because you aren’t having the issue doesn’t mean tumblr and I aren’t”.

      IMO the commenter wasn’t out of line by any means. It may not have been insightful or additive, but the response it received was tonally angry and not very nice. “My guy” isn’t instigatory by any means, IMO at least. However, other comments OP responded to didn’t all have this same inflection so it may have just been getting tired of the same kind of responses.

      Either way, I think it was an overreaction overall. OP has no way of knowing with certainty that this setting had been disabled by them before and subsequently re-enabled by Discord, obviously we have no proof either, and given the litany of comment saying it was disabled without user interaction we quickly fall into speculative territory. Which is meaningless and easily becomes what we see here in this thread, very very quickly. Edit: I think something that may have helped prevent this is posing the thread more as a PSA/are others affected style post, rather than being accusatory about an update changing settings.

      When I made my post about Meta Services on Android, I wasn’t insinuating that Meta on Android is spyware and that every phone is going to have this background service running regardless. No, I got a new phone, I did some snooping, I found the service. I thought it would suck if others didn’t know about it, so I brought it up. Many people did, many people didn’t, and that was all I wanted. The tone from this post didn’t feel like that and I think that tends to skew responses to be more antagonizing than they might mean to be. :End edit

      And of course, it doesn’t help that the closing comment of the thread is “Apparently we can’t have a civil discussion here without arrogant assholes inserting themselves into the conversation so they can gaslight us. This has become as bad as reddit.”

      So effectively doubling down on the “I moved here away to get away from reddit opinions”, calling anyone who has a tone arrogant and uncivil? Further fueling the fire.