I’ve been trying hard to FOSS up my life in recent years and have been looking into de-googled Free replacements for Android, I currently have a standard Samsung S9+.

I know GrapheneOS is the go to for a lot of people but it would require me switching phones to a Google Pixel, I’m wondering if the switch is worth it or can I get something similar on the phone already have?

Side question if anyone on a UK sim provider has had issues running GrapheneOS or other Free OS’s?

  • lckdscl [they/them]@whiskers.bim.boats
    1 year ago

    UK sim provider user here, no problem with GrapheneOS at all. I would say it’s worth switching to a Pixel device for the ability to relock the bootloader. You can find second hand ones in the UK on Ebay basically at all times.

    In terms of other free OS’s, someone’s already put the effort in and curate one here:
