• DOTS: github Let me know if I forgot to add something

  • OS: Void Linux

  • WM: dwm (my build)

  • Statusbar: dwmblocks (my build)

  • Terminal: st (my build)

  • Launcher: dwm (my build)

  • Browser: firefox

  • Startpage: my own

  • Fetch: rxfetch

  • Other programs: x11+picom, sxiv, neovim, xwallpaper, zathura, mpv, newsboat, shellcaster, mpd with ncmpccppcppp, lf, Dunst, ImageMagick, ffmpeg, xsecurelock

colorscheme - gruvbox-material

fonts - martian mono, be vietnam pro icons - fontawesome

video - cbum on mordern wisdom podcast

Special thanks to all the following poeple:

b4skyx for this rice

datsudo for this rice

  • essteeyou@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I like the title reference and the screenshot, but are you doing all of these things at the same time? I couldn’t focus.