There are lots of individual applications that do pretty well in and of themselves (darktable, gimp, krita, etc.) they have varying degrees of niceness. But what Adobe can do has no analogue in Linux land (paid or not) - it’s the multi-device interoperability. It makes for unparalleled workflow. I am not an advocate your Adobe - I really wish there was someone else that did it, and I believe it is something worth paying for. Figma maybe? (but it’s all cloud and was nearly knocked out by Adobe…)
(FWIW, I’ve never found gimp to be pleasant to use, but that is only my own subjective experience. Others like it and that’s a good thing.)
gimp noises
I say this as a foss proponent… gimp sucks ass.
Now, Inkscape is Goat, but Gimp is nigh unusable.
There are lots of individual applications that do pretty well in and of themselves (darktable, gimp, krita, etc.) they have varying degrees of niceness. But what Adobe can do has no analogue in Linux land (paid or not) - it’s the multi-device interoperability. It makes for unparalleled workflow. I am not an advocate your Adobe - I really wish there was someone else that did it, and I believe it is something worth paying for. Figma maybe? (but it’s all cloud and was nearly knocked out by Adobe…)
(FWIW, I’ve never found gimp to be pleasant to use, but that is only my own subjective experience. Others like it and that’s a good thing.)
When was the last time you used it? The newer versions are better and with Gimp 3 there will be many improvements.
That name though