Professional Tetris player Willis "Blue Scuti" Gibson became the first person to "beat" Tetris some three decades after its original release by playing the game's most extreme...
A 13-year-old is the first human to beat Tetris | Numerous theoretical milestones remain::undefined
Here’s a really fascinating video that explains the various NES Tetris controller techniques, including rolling, the new technique that’s radically changed the way the game is played the last few years.
I read a post shared on here somewhere the other week about this that might have note info for those curious
Interesting read!
Here’s a really fascinating video that explains the various NES Tetris controller techniques, including rolling, the new technique that’s radically changed the way the game is played the last few years.
It’s worth checking out the player Fractal, who does stream on YouTube. I would consider him a pioneer in rolling.
He also got the level 155 crash today. Second person to ever beat the game.