• Boozilla@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I think when we discuss generations, a trap we all fall into (including me) is stereotyping. We tend to think of each generation as a monolith.

    Within my own generation (X) I grew up with people who were extremely pro-establishment, people who were extremely anti-establishment, and many in the middle.

    I agree that Millenials are better educated. As for the overall quality of that educational content, your criticism could apply to almost all of us. When I was in public school, you would barely know that other countries even exist. Geography, world history, and global subjects were barely covered. US “exceptionalism” eclipsed all of it.

    The boomers outnumbered the Greatest Generation and the Silent Generation. And they were louder per pound, too. They still dominate in many ways (especially government and board rooms) even though they are quite old and 1/3 of them are gone.

    So it’s not entirely learned helplessness among the young. It’s a true power imbalance.

    Just hope it’s not too late after their power finally crumbles.