Moving to the fediverse

Hi guys, are you familiar with the fediverse? It’s an open-source reddit-alternative that is owned and run by no one. So it doesn’t suffer from the threat of a single hostile entity making drastic, unwanted changes, as we recently saw with reddit, resulting in the side-wide protests.

It would be great to have your subreddit join the fediverse! If you do, I would suggest not using, as it’s already the largest instance and it’s better to spread things out so no one has too much control.


You can even create your own instance like /r/futurology and /r/piracy did, If you do, you may want to seed your community with content

Once you make a community on Lemmy you could sticky a post in your sub to let your community know, and/or create an automod sticky in each thread.

    8 months ago

    I’m working with a few subreddits and their Lemmy equivalents, and I’d strongly recommend against this approach. As people have said, it sounds spammy and it would make the mods more suspicious of the Fediverse when someone comes along to actually try and work on stuff with them

    It’s better to have this happen organically, but if you want to plan it out, what I’d recommend is work with one or two subreddit(s) you’re familiar with. Also know that you might have to take on the majority of the setup and moderation initially. When reaching out, be specific about the needs of the subreddit and why the Lemmy community might help the community, and be cool with them saying no.

    Different ways it might look:

    • copy in the subreddit rules (when it makes sense) and add mods from the sub, then let them run with it
    • copy in the rules and have it be an official relationship between the communities where each just recommends the other

    There’s no script because each time I reached out the situation was different. I can write up more on what’s worked well for me but that’s the gist of it