[Desktop Entry]Name=IntelliJ Idea
Exec=/home/user/Programs/IntelliJ\ Idea/bin/idea.sh
Icon=/home/user/Programs/IntelliJ Idea/bin/idea.svg
[Desktop Entry]Name=<Name that will be seen in the start menu for whatever DE>
Comment=<Just write anything here>
Exec=<Your executable or shell application location goes here>
Icon=<Any icon you want to use>
Type=Application <this is default, no change here>
Categories=Development; <There are many categories, they go here>
For ‘Exec’ and ‘Icon’, type the absolute path for both em like the example. As for categories, here they are below:
I already have a normal desktop file like yours. I don’t see how replacing it with yours would provide any benefit as the execution arguments are all the same. I guess you won’t be able to help me then.
That sample text file, you can save it in the “Template” folder in your home folder, and then you can create a new file from that template with the right click menu > new entry :)
to distinguish the quote from my reply
Will do, i’ll reply if it’ll work or not.
I put the following:-
[Desktop Entry] Name=IntelliJ Idea Comment=IDE Exec=/home/user/Programs/IntelliJ\ Idea/bin/idea.sh Icon=/home/user/Programs/IntelliJ Idea/bin/idea.svg Type=Application Categories=Development;
[Desktop Entry] Name=<Name that will be seen in the start menu for whatever DE> Comment=<Just write anything here> Exec=<Your executable or shell application location goes here> Icon=<Any icon you want to use> Type=Application <this is default, no change here> Categories=Development; <There are many categories, they go here>
For ‘Exec’ and ‘Icon’, type the absolute path for both em like the example. As for categories, here they are below:
I already have a normal desktop file like yours. I don’t see how replacing it with yours would provide any benefit as the execution arguments are all the same. I guess you won’t be able to help me then.
That sample text file, you can save it in the “Template” folder in your home folder, and then you can create a new file from that template with the right click menu > new entry :)