• z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Looks like I’m quitting my job because Wayland is the future asshat. How about I just run both X and Wayland on my computer, file bug reports on what doesn’t work with Wayland, and continue to use X until they fix it or you pull your head out of your own ass? Whichever comes first.

      • z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        Lol. Last time I checked you were the one shouting into the abyss that X is dead. Did the OP’s meme get under your skin so bad you had to go on a caps lock tirade about how sick you were of hearing this argument and X is dead, etc?

        If your criticism had added even one iota of thought to the conversation backing up your opinion, I would have just scrolled on by. There is a plethora of easily accessible data for you to choose from to back up your argument. You could have cherry picked ANY argument you wanted about why Wayland is the future from google and just posted that instead? That seriously would have shown more respect to the people who want to have an honest discussion on the topic.

        But no, instead you took the time to basically call everyone who took the time to post here stupid rather than just, y’know, move the fuck on? So yeah, I took some time out of my day to call you out for what you are, an asshat.

        Now, are you gonna chill the fuck out, take your ball, and go home? Or do you have some actually constructive criticism to contribute to the conversation? Cuz seems to me outside of throwing another tantrum, those are your only two options.