Disclaimer: I thought of this while using this command line. I actually think Celeste and Matrix are good and trans rights are human rights.
Image description: [ First pannel; character turning his back on the Trans flag, Madeline from Celeste and the Matrix movie title screen : “I am not Trans”. Second pannel; character hugging a box labeled ‘gender’: “I enjoy the gender I was assigned at birth.” Third pannel; character typing on a laptop with the Arch Linux logo while wearing programming socks. A bubble shows the line on the screen : ‘makepkg -cis’. The character says: “When I compile an AUR package, I clean install files, install the program, sync dependencies; in a single line.” ]
I’m a gay man who is happily embracing his cis-genderness but I would not shun trans people as the top figure in this graphic is doing. It seems like he’s totally averse to even thinking about the concept.
Yet there’s a lot of hostility toward cis people being happy about being cis, though we are kind of expected to fully support trans people embracing being trans. And I do - I just want the same sort of respect for being happily cis-gendered. For me, my gayness is about embracing the masculine (in every sense) and loving being born male. I know that gender and sexuality are unique for everyone - so my philosophy is, whatever you wish to be, embrace it fully and love it.
Hi, I ask this in good faith: what are some examples of how cis people face hostility for being happily cis?
Well a couple of times previously I’ve posted about being happy to be cis, and was immediately downvoted and pounced on by people saying I was bigoted and disrespectful to others. Yet all i was trying to say is, I’m gay and a cis person and I think that should be respected the same as it’s expected for me to respect whatever someone else chooses to be.
Yeah, that’s whack when it happens. I think most trans people actually like hearing cis people talk positively about their own gender.
However, context is everything. If a trans person is lamenting about a bad day for dysphoria, they probably don’t want to hear about how great it is being cis.
What is it called when you don’t really care what gender you are? I’m not sure it’s binary, because I don’t really fully identify with either one and just do whatever I want whenever I want.
Depends on the granularity you want.
This sounds like you could fit under the “non-binary” umbrella, but there are many subcategories. Maybe genderfluid .
Or maybe you’re cis but just don’t see a use in following gender-stereotypes.
But in the end, getting lost in labeling is not needed. Just be you. -