• GardenVarietyAnxiety@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I just need a place to rant…

    I hold a few “enlightened centrist” types in high regard, and the opinions I always hear from them are “Yeah, Trump is a lunatic (butsoisbiden™), but the rest of the Republican party is fine.” While Trump is openly planning to replace the entire RNC chair with virtually zero pushback.

    What the fuck am I missing here?

    The example in the meme is rage-baity, but it’s not wrong when these people are being willingly ignorant at best.

    If anyone thinks Trump doesn’t pull some shit in office, and either him or his replacement (due to age/health, not conspiracy) don’t try to hold on to power by even less democratic means than we already have… You’re not paying attention. The dude has told us this is what he’s going to do.

    Yeah, the governments got problems… But handing the keys to a man that has proven time and time again that he has no regard for the will of the people… Shit’s bad, but I -promise you- it isn’t that bad.

    As far as the trials being political… Yeah, they are. But the crimes were real. And how can we demand our politicians be bound by the law, but protest the first time one actually gets prosecuted?

    This is high profile, and millions are watching. Set the precedent. And -we- have to create a culture of holding them accountable after this.

    Genuinely asking though… What am I missing?

    • someguy3@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      What the fuck am I missing here?

      I keep coming back to ‘inability to entertain the hypothetical’.

      It seems that many people can not conceive of something that they have not personally experienced. They can not entertain the hypothetical situation of Trump taking over the party simply because it has not happened yet. They can not conceive of a dictatorship simply because it has not happened yet. It’s mind boggling to me that people can’t entertain the hypothetical, but it’s what I keep coming back to.