I’m looking for a timer applet that can go in the system tray where I can put in a time and it will count down and give me a notification when the time is up.
Might help if you said which DE
I didnt mention a DE since I’m using i3 window manager. But yeah, something that can work with i3 or on the system tray
Have you tried these options or these ones? Literally any search term is giving plenty of results…
Can we have a search for xfce too, please?
In relation to my post from yesterday or?
Sorry, It was a low effort joke related to the search being specific to a window manager.
I’d like to have a timer on xfce (tried one a while ago and was broken af,) but I haven’t done an actual search.
I think that’s built into the calendar in lxqt.
I usually just do a sleep for the time length then a, 07 or bel.