If I decide to self-publish a book what happens to the copyright? Is there a way to prevent others from claiming copyrights for a book published autonomously? Are there OS licenses specifically tuned for books?
When it comes to creative work, Creative Commons is the way to go. I know a guy who exclusively releases music under the Creative Commons license.
Here’s a “Chooser” wizard, that asks you some questions and then suggests a suitable CC license for you.
Fun fact KGWZ released one of their albums completly free (i guess public domain) and encourage you to play with it as much as you want :)
You probably want the SA (share-alike) or NC-SA (non-commercial share-alike) but take a look and decide what suits you best.
From https://creativecommons.org/faq/#do-i-have-to-provide-my-name-can-i-ask-that-my-name-be-removed :
Do I have to provide my name? Can I ask that my name be removed?
As a licensor, you may choose to receive under any name that you wish, such as a pseudonym or pen name, or you may choose not to be credited by name at all, and to publish anonymously. You do not have to be credited under your legal name. Most jurisdictions permit this, but you should check to be sure this is valid in your jurisdiction.
Don’t go NC. Authors should be able to sell their work (and derivates too)
It’s useful as it makes it harder for AI to use it. Derivates can still reach out to ask to be allowed to sell it
We shouldn’t throw humans under the bus just to thwart AI. This is not the way.