There’s no hard and fast rule that says how old a console needs to be for it and it’s games to be considered retro.

There are a lot of people that say that anything from two generations ago is retro. That would put the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the Wii in the retro camp.

Do you think the PS3 generation is retro or if not what consoles do you consider to be retro systems?

  • Dizzy Devil
    1 year ago

    I’d personally say that if a generation of kids didn’t grow up with something like a certain console or a certain toy because the next Gen console or next big toy came out, then yes it’s retro by the time those kids become teens (at least 12-13 years old).

    So by that standard, yes I’d consider both of those consoles retro.

    I get that it’s a short period of time for things to become retro, but at the same time, I guarantee some kid who never had a 360 and only had an xbox one would probably call a 360 retro.