You can map a ton of inputs to them or use them for mouse control or more precise stick/dpad control, for a couple examples. I would never buy another handheld without them.
As an alternative to thumbsticks for shooters and such. My understanding is when you get used to them they’re great for that. I was never able to get used to them on the OG steam controller.
I’ve never once used the trackpad outside of desktop mode and even then it had limited use cases. What do other people use them for?
You can map a ton of inputs to them or use them for mouse control or more precise stick/dpad control, for a couple examples. I would never buy another handheld without them.
As an alternative to thumbsticks for shooters and such. My understanding is when you get used to them they’re great for that. I was never able to get used to them on the OG steam controller.
They’re essential for Factorio, the factory must grow!