I wanted some temperature sensor that can place outside my house, it is simple and not very expensive, which directly integrates with HA would be ideal but not 100% necessary.
I have seen these in Aliexpress, I don’t know if someone has them or if you think they can serve me https://acortar.link/5vbeT2
Thanks for the aid, I am starting with all this and I see good resources in this community
EDIT: Thank you very much for all the answers, it is incredible how fast you have helped me. You have also given me many interesting options to investigate more before making a decision
Do you have a link? I’ve been using the square Aqara ones for years but they are way more expensive than that
It’s this one: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805942369090.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
Sweet, thanks!
Well that’s going to be a lot more expensive now (tariffs and all).