• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I had switched to HeliBoard in order to de-Google as much as possible. I’m not militant about it, but if there’s an alternative I’ll take it.

    Decided to try out FUTO because I felt like I was missing swipe typing. And it’s good. But for me it’s just too much. It turns out I didn’t really miss swipe typing, and (possibly just a me issue) that extra feature was making FUTO much less responsive than Heliboard. So back I went.

    I guess for me, simple and fast is more important than replicating my old Gboard experience. But each person is different.

  • I think Married With Children has managed to come through unscathed because of Ed O’Neil and who he is as a person. He’s so much the opposite of Al Bundy and has always been very open about that. The show as a result falls into that same category as South Park or All in the Family; We understand that the jokes are meant to be satire via absurdity; It’s so over the top and the actor is so different in real life that we just get it.

    Compare that to something like Home Improvement, where we know that the humour isn’t meant to be absurdist, and we know that Tim Allen really is a douche.

  • No one has an issue with the notion of creating a technology that allows paralyzed people to control a computer with their mind.

    Where people have an issue is that Musk was told multiple times by multiple people that an implant likely will never be 100% feasible because the brain moves around in the skull, making keeping a connection tricky at best and likely impossible. (hence why the threads have retracted)

    He’s been told on multiple occasions that a non-invasive tech that is both more reliable and less risky is actually FAR more feasible. But his ego and his hard-on for being “edgy” basically makes him want to do things as “sci fi” as possible because a node that sticks to the side of your head isn’t as cool as an implant (to him).

    Nolan would be just as happy. Just as capable. and just as helpful to the research with something less intrusive, but then Musk wouldn’t think of himself as cool.

    tl;dr - No one has a problem with the concept. But the invasive way it’s being implemented is 100% because of Musk’s ego driven self-delusion of himself.

  • I mean, true…but I don’t think the average user is paying for the service rather than they’re paying for not having to worry about setting up everything needed to get syncthing working.

    I don’t consider myself a luddite in any way, but within five seconds of reading syncthing’s install instructions even I basically just said, “yeah…no.” And I say that AS a nearly 12 year semi-advanced linux user. It’s not that it’s difficult. But difficult enough to not be worth it for the average person.

  • Yeah. You’re right that we’ve always been dumb and stupid and would do stupid shit to impress our peer group

    But I firmly believe social media has inflated the definition of “peer group” to include “internet followers”, which jacks the whole stupidity up to 11.

    For example, you’re a nineties kid walking through the mall with your friends in your JNKO jeans and your slap-it watch. One of your friends decides he’s going to be an idiot by balancing on the railing of the second floor and you all have a good laugh. Edit: If his friends hadn’t been there, would he have done it? I doubt it. But now his “friends” don’t have to be there, because they’re just random followers to give him social media points.

    That’s sort of what I meant. Its not the we didn’t do dumb shit as kids, its that social media credit has motivated people to do dumb shit when they normally wouldn’t.

    Edit: also, WE grew out of it. Nowadays they are socially and financially incentivized to NOT grow out of that phase.

  • We live in an age where the notion of “thinking something through before doing it”, also known as “common sense” has been replaced with the need to get it out there onto the internet as fast as possible before someone else beats you to it. The need for social gratification on the internet beats the need for self-preservation.

    The first time I recall realizing this what when another YouTube dipship picked up a Portuguese Man-o-war and people got pissy when it was pointed out how lucky he was to not have been stung and how it was sheer dumb luck that he was still alive

    People defended him saying “He didn’t know it was dangerous, he didn’t know what it was…” And that’s the whole fucking point… We used to live in a society were people were smart enough to not touch shit that they don’t know if it’s dangerous or not. The concept of erring on the side of caution is now abandoned because of stupidity and social media credits.

  • I’ve been exclusively Linux for years, and all the crap now going on with AI and ads being shoved into literally everything makes me happier than ever with that decision.

    But you’re absolutely right. Linux is “it just works” in a relatively narrow use-case.

    Just going on the internet to browse and play some Facebook games (my parents). It’ll absolutely work out of the box.

    Doing some light creative work (design, writing, etc…) No tinkering needed.

    But from there it becomes a scale from “probably work fine” to “hours of work and extra repositories needed”.

    Video editing or 3D modelling with an NVIDIA card because CUDA, it SHOULD be easy to install, but there’s a chance it won’t be. You take your chances.

    Gaming through proton? Single player games, yeah. I’ve literally had 95% work out of the box because Valve is awesome. But I don’t play online multiplayer. If you need to play nice with anticheat software, good luck.

    I too get frustrated with the fundamentalist Linux base who think its the right fit for everyone. Because it absolutely is not, and its okay to admit that because admitting that drives the motivation to improve it.