This movie was an unmitigated disaster. Awful, but not bad enough to enjoy because of it being bad. Too tone deaf to enjoy watching, not tone deaf enough to enjoy lampooning.
This movie was an unmitigated disaster. Awful, but not bad enough to enjoy because of it being bad. Too tone deaf to enjoy watching, not tone deaf enough to enjoy lampooning.
My level of activity on Reddit has been wanting. I was / am still fairly active in some niche subs, but I used to be pretty active in AskReddit, askmen, and several other spaces.
I’ve made a concerted effort to be more active here, and it feels nice! Feels a lot more human
I suppose I’m a social democrat. I’m generally leftist for my country, but hardcore political ideologies that end with -ism seem naive to me.
Okay so I’m with you on the hound dogs, those fuckers are the best boys, every single one of em including the girls
See now I just got tempted to go get acrylic paints and join you. Get thee behind me, satan
I have a hobby of trying out new hobbies till I’ve accumulated a bunch of stuff, then losing interest and doing new hobbies!
I’ve stuck with carpentry/woodworking, wine / beer making / distilling spirits, and outdoorsy hobbies like skiing / sailing.
Like others here I really enjoy reading, video games, etc. Getting back into scuba!
If you need to walk around a lot, it’ll be tougher to do it on am empty stomach, but not impossible. You have plenty of energy stores to last 3 days unless you’re significantly underweight to start with.
You will not be able to eat your daily allowance of calories for three days and not need to poop during that time. It’s just not a thing that’s going to happen for you.
If you are determined to eat and not poop, eat protein bars, and take an anti diahrreal (e.g., Imodium). You won’t poop, but day 4-5 will be awful.
Realistically, if you eat anything, you’ll poop. Tail down your calorie intake to ~1000 calories at day -7, to -500 on days -6 and -5, then to 0 for days -4 through -1. Start eating again on day zero.
You won’t have to poop during that time. Make sure to drink water, and i would add electrolytes to ensure you don’t get any type of heart arrhythmia (unlikely on a fast this short, but intelligent anyway).
I don’t know why you need to do this, but good luck. I’ve done week long fasts before and they’re not too hard after the first couple of days. Ironically, eating well before the start makes it MUCH harder (you’d think it’d tide you over, but it just makes your body expect food) … Hence, the tailing down over a couple days.
Don’t worry, PwC will make a ton of money when they’re asked to help cut costs after this crashes and burns.
From the moment they decided to milk it for three movies I knew it was going to suck. It’s a simple little adventure story ffs.