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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 20th, 2024


  • My phone in school. It was a smartphone, back before smartphones were quite the norm, so it was a big deal, and I was in another state as a minor, so I did need a phone. There was some two for one deal, so my parent got theirs and mine, so it wasn’t quite so bad, but it was technically a pricy bit of tech.

    Campus was on a hill, so I stumbled and dropped it while walking down the stairs.

    I think it would translate to, like, five stories of stairs if it was in a building and not on a hill?

    It never went into the grass, just kept bouncing down stairs. 🤦

  • Just to let you know, the whole thing where you look back on every little thing you do and cringe won’t magically go away when you’re an adult.

    That’s a self-esteem thing, not a teenager thing.

    I guess what I’m saying is that this is one of those things that can get better, but won’t just magically get better on its own. It didn’t get better for me until I got some control in my physical health (stuff that would affect my perspective) and took agency in my mental health.

    If you’re in the situation to do so, check out what kind of therapy resources are available to you. You can just try a bunch until you find one that really clicks, and a lot offer free brief consultations.
    Many employers offer 4-10 free visits for any immediate family members/offspring, too!

    I’m sorry you feel so critical of yourself all the time. Its so draining to live like that.

  • That one question from the Elder Scrolls class/Personality quiz was uncomfortably prescient:

    Question 4: There is a lot of heated discussion at the local tavern over a group of people called ‘Telepaths’. They have been hired by certain City-State kings. Rumor has it these Telepaths read a person’s mind and tell their lord whether a follower is telling the truth or not.

    Combat Response: This is a terrible practice. A person’s thoughts are his own and no one, not even a king, has the right to make such an invasion into another human’s mind.
    Magic Response: Loyal followers to the king have nothing to fear from a Telepath. It is important to have a method of finding assassins and spies before it is too late.
    Stealth Response: In these times, it is a necessary evil. Although you do not necessarily like the idea, a Telepath could have certain advantages during a time of war or in finding someone innocent of a crime.

    It looks like the kids these days are all mana-slingers lol

  • My local discount zoo of a store was selling cold brew tea for a dollar so now I have twenty-four boxes of cold brew Watermelon Lime Zinger.
    But seriously, for $1 that’s crazy economical and I am on some medication where it is paramount that I stay hydrated.

    My more normal snag is produce crates. The local asian market literally gives them away and they’re incredible tools for organization! They stack, you can take wire cutters to the plastic grill on side to make them into stackable cubbies, and they help organize the trunk of your car.

    If I’m doing better in the spring I’d like to ise them to make raised beds for growing some veggies.

  • Yeah, its a red flag.
    They indicate potential problems, which is why you look for multiple, but even one obvious one is enough to make you a bit cautious, it makes sense.

    But if its someone I know, and who isn’t a native English speaker and is pretty chill, I’m probably going to let it slide for a couple uses, then gently ask them why they’re using a certain term in a nice pause in the conversation.

    I’m lucky to have had friends from lots of other places, but it can make things so awkward with corrections, even if it has to be done.
    But people can absolutely wind up learning horrendously out of date language without meaning any malice. I’ve seen it happen because of confusion regarding the existence of the NAACP, and the use of the term, “People of Color.”

    The way OP is talking makes it sound like he could likely talk it out with the other people, and I think that may be the best option. (though I can understand why they may want some insight from the internet first)

  • Can you give us more context?

    “Woman” is almost always preferred because it respects one’s personal identity, as opposed to the compulsory status of biological sex, which is often used as a source of belittlement and/or bigotry against women. (and carries a whole plethora of baggage when people decide they get to judge someone’s female-ness)

    But it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t generally be able to use the term “female” without causing social friction, if you have a good amount of social grace.

    (its actually quite normal in fantasy/scifi circles, for example)

    I think you may be asking the wrong question- you may want to explain what you were talking about and ask what specific phrases or situations might have unsettled people.

    Maybe it was just a weirdly specific English faux pas, or maybe you have a friend who is a little extra sensitive after bad experiences and who could use your support. Maybe its a total miscommunication- who knows?

  • Bought Bitcoin or have tried to buy a shoebox of a house.

    But I listened to all the “sensible” people and went for a graduate level program instead like an idiot, and then couldn’t do anything with it for a litany of reasons. Just one family emergency or health problem after another.

    The worst of all maybe could have been avoided if I hadn’t been off at school in the first place. I don’t regret college, but my education should have stopped there. I was finally an adult, but I still let everyone else dictate my life, right from the getgo.

    Biggest regret of my life, right out of the gate.

  • I did use a macbook in school for a bit in the past, (no gaming stay focused lol) and I’ve been borrowing a decade old MacBook now because my desktop is physically difficult to use currently.
    I also had a couple iPod touches back in the day, so I have used iOS at one point.

    They just feel great and know where to be smooth where it matters.

    The screen color quality is excellent and consistent, they know how to avoid chug and stutter (and mask when they are way better than a PC) and just in general run between than they have any right to.

    My PC isn’t exceptional, but I was actively gaming up into 2021, so it wasn’t just a toaster. Firefox would be such a relatively huge performance drain for such a nothingburger of a task, as browsers are, I’d watch it in Task Manager to my frustration.

    But I can be using Firefox on this 2011 macbook, while the owner’s instance of Safari and all of their tabs are open, and they’ve left all their programs open, (they don’t think to quit programs or close tabs) and the thing’s perfectly fine. The fans aren’t kicking on or anything.
    As the kind of person who sits and watches Task Manager, this performance with modern webpages, on a much later operating system is really incredible.

    And that trackpad? When I started using Wine on my macbook, and compared it to the trackpad on other laptops, I knew trackpads were the untapped tool of gaming. That’s why I was unsurprised about the Dualshock feature and was excited about the Steam controller. (Which is such good hardware)

    I wish I had harvested them from my old macbooks. I kinda feel like I need to make some kind of Accessability device for myself.

    Big in general, I think you’re missing the point.

    You don’t have to like Apple for it to do an incredible service for you, as it has for the last +30 years. they’re always pushing the entire industry forward on standards for hardware, software, quality and interface, so just kick back, let the Apple nerds fun their R&D, and take a moment to reminisce about the state of the cell phone industry before the advent of the iPhone.

  • Happy cartoons!

    I’m sure you’ve heard of Bluey by now. Its so good, wholesome, and heartfelt. Everyone’s watching, regardless of age.

    Here’s one of my favorites for happy feels: Kipper the Dog
    Its a Pre-K show that’s just super chill and pleasant. Feels like a warm blanket and cocoa. This one is definitely more for children, but its ok to indulge your inner child and tell it that things are okay.

    For a more sophisticated palette, Hilda is the most criminally underrated animated mainstream cartoon in recent memory… that somehow got a full run regardless!
    Three seasons and a movie on Netflix. Its beautiful and kid appropriate but definitely for all ages, and pretty damn serious a lot of the time. But its still rather uplifting in how a lot of things aren’t problems, because Hilda is so spirited and determined in a way you can truly believe in.

    My little Pony, new and old, really does the trick for me, but its not for everyone, of course. Pound Puppies and A Pup Named Scooby Doo also hit that vibe, though of the old shows mentioned, its probably the best written. (Never got into Care Bears, but it could probably work too, if you’re looking for Sunshine and Rainbows)