
Sick as the terminally ill

No, sick as in the term “mentally ill”

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Yeah, it’s become very evident that “DNI” is not as universal of a terms as I thought it was.

    On your second point, I’m not referring specifically to nonbinary folk, but rather to the language referring to the ethnicity as a whole.

    With (most) other ethnicities/nationalities, the English terminology is neutral (French, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Greek, African, etc.), but the classical term for “Latino” is male-gendered.

    This is why people have started to use the term “Latinx”, and occasionally “Latine”.

    Personally, I think “Latinx” is a bastardization of the language, while “Latine” works within the linguistic framework, but I’m asking for opinions from the people within this group to see their preference

  • The issue, at least as far as I understand it, is that “Latino” as a general term irks people.

    It’s like referring to humans as “men’ instead of “people”. It contributes to a sense of patriarchal dominance.

    Personally, when I refer to humans as a group, I say “people”, not “man” or “men”.

    With a lot of ethnicities, the terms are neutral. Caucasians are Caucasians. Asians are Asians, African Americans are African Americans, etc.

    But “Latino” is a gendered term by its very nature. This is why a lot of people have started using “Latinx” or “Latine”.

  • Got myself lost in the woods at night for a good hour or so. Overgrowth was largely covering the desire path I regularly walk, and when I turned around to head back, I couldn’t find it at all.

    Knew the general direction back to the main trail, so I opened my map on my phone and started walking that way in what I thought was a straight line… Problem is, my phone is screwy and the arrow showing where I’m facing points 90° to the side… After a half hour of trudging my way through the brush, I finally saw a clearing, and when I got to it… it was the same spot I started at, except I came from the other side.

    Somehow I had walked in a massive circle, and my phone (which I was using as my flashlight) battery was getting concerning low, as I had failed to charge it earlier.

    Tried again and eventually managed to get back to the main trail, but I was definitely starting to panic by the time I did.

  • You have to account for the fact that, even if a civilization were to broadcast some sort of signal, it would take many millennia or eons for any signals to reach us. And even then, we would have to be advanced enough to be able to receive and interpret those signals at the same time they reach Earth.

    There could very well be countless advanced civilizations whose signals just haven’t reached us yet, just as there may have been countless ones whose signals couldn’t be received or understood when they reached us, and they’ve died out or otherwise stopped transmitting before we could.

    Keep in mind that the first radio broadcast on Earth was only 127 years ago. That means the farthest anyone could possibly detect any radio signal from earth is a mere 127 light years away.