• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • In today’s market, the perception or even the profitability of a product means nothing. All that actually matters is growth.

    For a publicly traded company, or even one that just uses venture capital to start up; the product isn’t the thing that they might sell to consumers, it’s their brand. This is what gives them more capital to continue running the company and ultimately to profit.

    This means that a company no longer needs to make good products, they don’t need to keep customers happy, they don’t even need to be profitable. All they need is to show growth opportunities to potential investors.

  • I’m using kde5 on X. To my knowledge, the only issues you might have with Nvidia on Linux is if you want to use Wayland instead of X. Unless you are someone who refuses to use non-free drivers for philosophical reasons, but then you wouldn’t be using Windows.

    I’ve been running an Nvidia GPU for over 6 years now on Linux without issues.

    I even am using a fairly recent 4070ti and was able to use it with proprietary drivers soon after launch and was running cyberpunk 2077 at 4k with high settings and ray tracing with an average 60fps with dsr.

    I also use the cuda cores for running open source llms locally and have no issues there either.

  • CubitOom@infosec.pubtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldOld is stability
    4 months ago

    Arch is actually pretty stable. And one of the best things about using arch is the arch wiki which is the best documentation I’ve ever seen for any distro.

    My experience trying to solve specific issues on Debian and Ubuntu lead me down rabbit holes of forums where even the accepted answer is wrong.

  • If you are dipping toes into containers with kvm and proxmox already, then perhaps you could jump into the deep end and look at kubernetes (k8s).

    Even though you say you don’t need production quality. It actually does a lot for you and you just need to learn a single API framework which has really great documentation.

    Personally, if I am choosing a new service to host. One of my first metrics in that decision is how well is it documented.

    You could also go the simple route and use docker to make containers. However making your own containers is optional as most services have pre built ones that you can use.

    You could even use auto scaling to run your cluster with just 1 node if you don’t need it to be highly available with a lot of 9s in uptime.

    The trickiest thing with K8s is the networking, certs and DNS but there are services you can host to take care of that for you. I use istio for networking, cert-manager for certs and external-dns for DNS.

    I would recommend trying out k8s first on a cloud provider like digital ocean or linode. Managing your own k8s control plane on bare metal has its own complications.

  • Use whatever you want for personal. But I would suggest trying to use containers for hosting if you haven’t already. It really blows the idea of needing a stable OS out of the water since you can just declare everything you want in a config file and tear down and spin up with the app you need ready in less than a minute.

    You can use Ubuntu still of course in a container. But things get really interesting when you use smaller attack surface distros like Alpine, BusyBox, or even a distroless container.

  • I’m just using my password manager in place of the authenticator app.

    So rather than using an app like Google authenticator or Authy to see what the new random sequence is for the MFA, my password manager stores that QR as a string and will display the same random sequence that a normal MFA app would.

    They key difference is that my MFA is synced across any device that I have configured my password manager on using the same cryptographic keys and version control history.

    So if my phone is dead, lost, or stolen, I can still access my banking account via MFA as normal.

    I suppose it brings up the idea of what a “factor” is in how it’s used for MFA. If a factor is supposed to be a different device, a different app on the same device as your password manager, or just a different passphrase that’s constantly changing.

  • I am not an expert, but I try to be pragmatic. Here’s what socalgas.com says about the topic.

    You’re right that natural gas is methane and that leaks are bad. However I think a nuanced view is important here for a few reasons.

    • Many developed countries have the infrastructure and workforce in place to not just safely deliver methane to buildings as an energy source but also to correct leaks.

    • Methane can be produced via a variety of sources both at a large and small scale. I’ve toyed with the idea of making a black soldier fly larvae farm and methane would be a by product

    • Gas tanks to hold methane have maximum a lifespan of 10 years. However many other methods of storing potential energy have a much shorter maximum lifespan, making methane a decent backup energy source in cases of emergency.

    I don’t know how good the energy conversion rate of burning methane is but I would be surprised if it is low.

    Personally I think we should leverage every option, especially the lower hanging fruit before dismissing these options as being not ideal when the alternative is continuing to do worse.

  • One of the biggest issues with 2fa is that normally it’s either an easily spoofable phone/email or an app locked to a device.

    This is why I use a password manager (pass) that is synced across all of my devices (via a private self hosted git for version control) that I can send 2fa QR codes to cameraless devices via screenshots using zbarimg and have every device capable of 2fa verification with the pass-otp extension.

    I know this setup is a bit complicated as just dealing with git or importing a gpg key would give most people I know sense of existential dread. I am curious to see what others use for similar functionality.