Here from Reddit–might stay a while.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Who cares?

    Censorship is a problem when it is a political state with armed military force to back it up and disappear individuals for unsanctioned speech.

    This is a free-to-use, volunteer-run website —if you are posting shit and it’s consistently censored (read: deleted) then you might be the problem.

    People these days are deranged in their notion of what free speech and censorship means—you do not have a legal right to post the most egregious shit to a privately run website and not face consequences from that private entity. Also, no one’s cutting out your tongue. Feel free to go out on the street and spout whatever shit you want.

  • Welcome to investor-stage capitalism where nothing is worth anything other than to the brief returns for the investor. If the investor has not made marginal profit it is time to kill, kill, kill, regardless of the product; be that a studio, a game, a food, a medicine, a house. Better burn it to the ground than risk any marginal loss. (Ignore of course the lack of product, content, value, etc that would actually entice someone to buy—the only reason a company should exist is to give money to investors—no product should come before that!)

  • My experience is buy gear in response, not in anticipation.

    I don’t know what you’re planning on using your leggings for but in my personal experience of being a year round bike commuter in a place that sees all seasons and weather I only get items that I find I need rather than trying to anticipate what I might need.

    Why not give the leggings you have a try before returning them and see if they work out for you.

    Also not sure where you live but local climate is a major factor. Is it a dry high desert winter where there is no moisture in the air or a standard cold as fuck winter with 80% humidity making the chill penetrate into your bones? These are all things only you can answer. At the end of the day gear is only there to make the individual user comfortable for their individual use case—there is no one right answer.

  • this really only applies to New York, as New York City is in the bottom little bit of the state’s southern nubbin and the rest of the state is commonly called “Upstate New York” since when people outside the northeast refer to New York, they’re talking about New York City, rather than the state of New York. thus Upstate New York was shortened to Upstate. (it seems to hold that most people i know who grew up in the northeast call New York City “NYC” rather than what i used growing up which was “New York.”

    I am an american, I grew up in a state in the south west, no one ever used the term “going upstate” for anything because there was so such place to go.

    I guarantee you only see dialog such as this in media set in NYC.