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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I’ve used Gimp all through my teenage years. And I used it a LOT. It was quite a difficult transition to Photoshop (which my workplace uses). But once I got the hang of photoshop, I realized how convoluted Gimp really is.

    Half the time spent in Gimp is making backups before making an edit. A third of your layers will be backup layers in case you change your mind about a design decision. The whole design process is super inflexible and therefor kills creativity.

    Want to use an effect like gaussian blur or drop shadow? Make sure you backup your layer! Want to edit text after you stretched it all out? I hope you made a backup of that layer! Want to work with large files with many layers? You better hit ctrl S after every edit, because the program just might crash on you if you make a difficult selection!

    To be fair, I haven’t used much Gimp since 2.8, so if stuff is different now: awesome! And I admire all volunteers that work to make stuff better. But for now, I’ll stay away from it if I need to do heavy editing.

  • Yes exactly. I used Gimp extensively (i think 2.8?) back in the day, and especially text was a pain to work with. If you rotated or resized text, you couldn’t change what the text said anymore.

    Another example is making a layer grayscale. In gimp it would make the whole layer grayscale without any way to revert it. In Photoshop it sort of is like an extra “layer” on top of your colored layer that you can turn on and off, making it “non-destructive”

    Nowadays I mainly use Illustrator for work, so I could indeed probably give Inscape a good try. But sometimes you just need to work with pixels and gimps destructive workflow is just a dealbreaker for me. Still, it’s impressive that the team got it so far, and I hope one day it will do a Blender and become the powehouse it deserves to be.

  • The biggest revelation for me when I switched to Photoshop for work about 4 years ago is that non-destructive editing is sooooo much nicer.

    I always had dozens of “backup” layers in my years with Gimp just in case I messed something up. I was always cautious about the order in which you had to do things. I was amazed with photoshop at the fact that you could edit text after warping, gradient coloring and outlining it. Saved so much hassle.

    I read non-destructive is in the pipelines for Gimp, and that would finally make it start become a viable alternative again.

  • If the operating system doesn’t matter (like in this article and in most conversations), I just say: smartphones (or phones). If the operating system matters, I mention the operating system (android or iOS) once and then just call it phone/smartphone. Or Android phone. Never called multiple android phones “Androids” though.

    I dont call two Microsoft pc’s “two Microsofts” either.

    But today I learned that it is apparantly normal to call it Androids. I really never encountered the term before.