• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Erasmus@lemmy.worldto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldNewbie questions
    7 months ago

    I think the other user pretty much nailed it about the enclosure. Unless you are printing materials that require high heat it is not necessary.

    Now if you are in a very dusty environment you might consider one just to avoid the hassle.

    However you also may want to look online, there are some simple and fairly inexpensive pop up enclosures that work very well. I have been using one for a while now with mine and I print ABS pretty regularly. I just tore all the electronics out of my printer and printed a control box for it (external) to the outside of the enclosure.

  • Am late to the game here but after reading the article I would agree.

    I use it off and on if I am looking up formulas and scripts and find it a great tool for work. It saves a ton of time. It works great and haven’t noticed any change there. Request it to give/write you a specific formula to solve X and it will. It’s a huge time saver.

    But I’ve found recently if I am trying to just find information on a subject that I want summarized or something found on the web and explained it will often ‘recommend I check out the company’s website for the latest news or recent developments.’

    That last statement was an exact quote I got recently that made me laugh when I went asking for the explanation of how something worked. It was a NO SHIT SHERLOCK moment I had after getting several of these sort of replies.

    I mean I har gotten detailed explanations of string theory ages back from ChatGPI and now it’s telling me ‘ummm just go look it up - I can’t right now…m

  • I definitely will agree with you there but why on earth would anyone pay these assholes to pretend that they would give you some privacy?

    The irony is they mine us for our private data, track us, sell it, then have the gall to demand to charge us back for use of their services.

    That’s why I get so pissed when this comes up or when adblocking on any other service rears its head (looking at you YouTube).

    People are quick to forget that these services are following you everywhere you go. Looking through your contacts. Reading your mail. Delving into every nook and cranny of your private life and selling it all.

    Instead of giving them a dime, invest in a VPN, a good Adblocker and other resources.

  • Yeah, I was young and it was my first job out of college (technically I worked thru college but this was my first after graduation) so I was very inexperienced still and also didn’t know what to look for when it came to red flags.

    The owner’s wife worked there in a ‘higher up’ position and was the major cause of a lot of conflict at the company. Basically he would give people orders then she would come along and contradict them.

    If anyone disagreed with her then she would go to hubby and complain about said person(s) making it impossible to please either because you couldn’t prove her wrong. That designer in particular was just the latest of ‘trophy wife’s wrath’. The place had an insane turnover rate I quickly found out.

    At least it was a good learning experience and taught me to ask questions and meet people during the interview process.

  • Was hired at a company as a designer. Went to the production meeting and sat down beside another designer (introduced myself and we started chatting). In comes everyone else and sits down. We all start chatting and do introductions.

    Five minutes into the meeting the company owner comes in, chatting with a salesman. He glances around the room, then his face freezes on me - he then looks at the guy beside me and keeps looking back and forth. He finally motions for me to come outside the conference room. I walk out and he asks me what I was doing there. I tell him ‘remember, you hired me and my start day was today??’

    He turned pale and just said ‘oh yeah I forgot’. He let me go back in the room but then I heard him call the guy beside me out.

    The guy never came back. Apparently he had intended on firing him and forgot.

    Needless to say I didn’t stay long before I found another job. The place was complete chaos.