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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • ForbiddenRoot@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlManjaro OS
    10 months ago

    Installing arch is a pain

    While Manjaro is perfectly fine, this is no longer true. With the archinstall script you can have even Arch up and running in minutes. It’s still not graphical or straightforward as a Manjaro installation, but it’s certainly not painful. EndeavourOS may be the closest to Arch with simple installation.

  • ForbiddenRoot@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlRewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)
    11 months ago

    best hope for mainstream adoption

    I feel for that the default Linux DE will need to have an UI closer to Windows, due to user familiarity with the traditional desktop metaphor. Maybe Cinnamon or even KDE are more suited in that respect. Neither need hours of configuring either. Personally, Cinnamon with Wayland support would be perfect for me (and I suspect a whole lot of Windows migrants as well).

    Gnome is nice of course in it’s own minimalist way for many,but the workflow is very different from other OSes and I think many find it too minimalist requiring extensions to improve usability therefore. However, there isn’t a stable mechanism for extensions causing breakages between versions, which can be very irritating. I don’t know if that’s now changed now though, because I have been reading about a major change in the extension mechanism in Gnome 45.

  • ForbiddenRoot@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlWhy does Nvidia hate linux?
    1 year ago

    I’m gonna be that person…

    Well, you are not alone. While I too would prefer not to use proprietary drivers, I have had no problems on any of my Nvidia machines as well. Ironically, despite the open source drivers, getting a 7900XTX card up and running was an issue for me for months till distros caught up (with newer kernels and mesa libs), while my 4090 installation was a breeze even on the day it was released.

    A lot of problems people have with Nvidia GPUs seem to be installation related. I think that is because the installation tends to be distro-specific and people do not necessarily follow the correct procedure for their distro or try installing the drivers directly from the Nvidia site as they would on Windows. For example, Fedora requires you to add RPMFusion, Debian needs non-free to be added to sources, Linux Mint lets you install the proprietary drivers but only after the first boot, and so on. Pop OS! probably makes the process the easiest with their Nvidia-specific ISO.

  • And to update grub it seems the best command is “update-bootloader”

    grub2-mkconfig seems to work fine as well. I just installed openSUSE Tumbleweed on a machine yesterday and used that to add some kernel arguments. I was not aware of update-bootloader at all.

    Like what’s up with YaST?

    Yeah, it’s like an all-in-one launchpad for managing the system. I haven’t used it much because I prefer using the terminal for most things, but it seems to work fine when I used it a bit (installing some repos and Nvidia drivers).

    I installed SUSE after over 20 years and so far it’s been quite a good experience. Very similar to the Fedora experience I would say, in the sense that you need to jump through some hoops to get Nvidia / non-free codecs and then after that it’s smooth sailing. Let’s see how it holds up in the longer term for me.

  • So if I understand this correctly they will hard fork RHEL. So it won’t be a clone going forward in the way Alma / Rocky currently are. The advantage for RHEL users in moving to this fork are that they get an enterprise distro that’s well-supported by another large enterprise Linux company (SUSE) instead of RH. SUSE can probably offer them some cost advantages too to sweeten the deal. For SUSE, this is a great way to get people to move away from RH and use this or eventually one of their other distros.

    Is that it? I am all for it and so should RH because this is what they wanted people to do instead of creating clones. I hope this works out for SUSE and they do even better in the future. I am going to be rooting for them.

  • In my region (India), for a while, there seemed to be plenty of laptops available with Linux installed as an option. Then again in the last few years that seems to have withered down to almost none, sometimes even if the same model is available with Linux in some other regions. I am not sure what changed. Perhaps some deal with Microsoft. The good part is that the fact that they do support Linux elsewhere on the same laptop configuration generally means its easy to get it up and running yourself even if it does not come pre-installed.

    In any case, as an old-timer, it’s very impressive to me how much hardware Linux supports nowadays without any drama at all. Not to mention all the progress made in software especially in supporting Windows-only games, which is truly magical work by the Wine / Proton teams. As far as I am concerned the “Year of Linux Desktop” is here already since I can use it daily without missing absolutely anything at all from Windows.

  • ForbiddenRoot@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlMy Distro ranking
    1 year ago

    Sadly, I don’t know if Fedora is “Amazing” for new users anymore. For non-free codecs, Nvidia card support, Steam etc you need to enable RPMFusion and get correct packages / setup some stuff like h/w acceleration, which seems to trip up a lot of new users (based on countless Reddit posts I have seen around this). Secondly, due to the frequent updates, they have had a couple of major issues in recent times (e.g. most recently with Flatpaks and a few months back with Nvidia cards), which were quite difficult for new users to resolve. Probably Pop OS! should be in that category instead, since it pretty much works out of the box.

    Lastly, while I probably know why you put Ubuntu in the “Devil” category, I think it could be there in the “Amazing […]” section as well, because for new users it’s probably the easiest distro to setup and troubleshoot simply because of the large amount of information / tutorials centered around Ubuntu that are out there.

  • I don’t want to get sucked into an ecosystem where my choice of what product to buy is so limited.

    This isn’t actually the case in my experience, because non-Apple products work just fine with the iPhone unless it’s some Android-specific accessory. No one wants to ignore the iPhone market so they make sure that their product is well-supported on iPhones. For instance, I use a bunch of headphones from various manufacturers, apart from AirPods, and they all work great too.

    The actual issue is that if you want to move from iPhone to Android later you may have issues getting some Apple devices you have to work with Android, e.g. I don’t think the Apple Watch works at all with Android.

  • why do you use iPhone?

    In my case, because I had a bad experience with Android phones in their early years. Each model I used had one or the other issues, either battery life, camera issues, screen issues or something else. Around the Samsung S3 days I finally moved to iPhone and “everything just worked”.

    I am sure things are better now in the Android world hardware-wise (and software-wise Android has always been able to do more), but over the years I have become firmly entrenched in the Apple ecosystem with the Apple Watch, Airpods, Macbooks, Apple TV etc so it doesn’t make sense for me to switch again because there isn’t a compelling reason for me to do so.

  • My first experience with the internet was using a Unix shell account that I used to dial into using “Telix for DOS”. For browsing I had Lynx, for mail PINE, and for IRC it was some client called “irc” and so on. This was in the early 90s, maybe 1991 or 92.

    Everything was text only, dial-up with 9600 baud, and it was glorious because before that all we had was BBSes (which were even more glorious in some ways actually).