• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Connectivity or rather the lack of it…

    I have a Samsung TV and recently got a new cooling fan and now when I start the fan when my TV is on, it says it detected a new device. I don’t know what my TV would want with a fan maybe control the speed for more immersion?

    But there is also no way for me to disable that. I also got regular requests of my neighbor’s to connect to my TV until I disabled the notification for it. No I could disable that my TV doesn’t even allow it to be seen, I had to enable to not automatically connect devices and disable that notifications are being shown. That thing isn’t even connected to the internet.

  • Depends. I recently was in that situation and it was easier and more cost-effective to just print them.

    I recently bought some Lego Star Wars sets and printed out some Display stands for them but the connection between the stands and the model was expected to be a 2x4 Lego plate. I didn’t have those plates at hand so I looked online and found it from the official Lego site.

    The individual “Plate 2x4” would cost 0.14EUR each. Since I needed 3 this would be 0.42EUR. But the mailing costs would be over 9EUR.

    So ordering 3 of those Lego pieces would cost me almost 10 bucks. I just printed them out which worked well, they were a bit tight fit but are still holding.

    But I wouldn’t necessarily say that this is a replacement for actual Lego pieces. As a quick alternative that you can’t see or that has less interaction with other pieces (doesn’t need to fit correctly on all sides) then I think this can work.

  • I had the pleasure recently to create an ffmpeg command to transcode a video into HEVC 10bit with quicksync.

    I had tha previously running completely fine on my Nvidia GPU. You would think that it would just be replacing the parameter which device or hardware acceleration to use.

    Yeah, turns out that there are like 4 ways to set the quality value of the transcoded output, CRF didn’t work for some reason with quick sync so you need to use global quality or something. I spend days on this trying to figure this out, DAYS.

    It is a very powerful tool but every time I have to use it, it is too complicated and I have to spend hours or days to get it working.

  • Yeah. The general speed that you set isn’t necessarily the speed that your printer will print at. That might be the max speed you might get in the best situation or location.

    For example, depending on the settings, first layer, outer walls, bridges and other parts of the model cann all be printed at a lower speed to preserve quality. Your print head also needs to accelerate and decelerate for every corner so that it doesn’t overshoot and go where it should. So low acceleration/deceleration play also a part. And the model itself has to be considered in this too because long, mostly straight lines can accelerate to that speed and stay on it for longer.

    So what you set as “speed” in the slicer is mostly not what you actually get. Some slicers have a speed display with a colour gradient after you sliced it so that you can see which parts are faster or slower.

    The only thing you can really do about it is to do test prints and slowly push the speed up as far as you can to get a decent quality at a nice speed. But you can still end up in parts where you would be fairly slow.

  • Hatte ich jetzt am Wochenende ein ähnliches Erlebnis.

    Ich war auf einer Geburtstagsfeier und zu mir nach Hause ist nicht schwer zu erreichen aber mit mehrmals umsteigen verbunden (dafür hält der Bus quasi direkt vor der Haustür). Ich schaue also auf meine App um zu sehen wann ich am Bahnhof sein muss und sehe da eine Verbindung: 1.5 Stunden Fahrtzeit, 2x umsteigen. Super. Die einzelnen Züge/Busse waren jeweils mit “Live” bezeichnet. Also sagt mir das “die kommen”.

    Ich stehe dann am Bahnhof und es kommt die Durchsage das die Bahn die ich nehmen wollte “ausfällt, wegen Verspätung aus vorheriger fahrt”. Klasse.

    App meinte aber immer noch, dass diese Bahn “Live” ist also kommt.

    Ich dann geschaut als alternativ Verbindungen und dann konnte ich nur 20 Minuten später eine Bahn bis zum nächsten Hbf (Bonn) nehmen, von dort dann aus umsteigen bis zum nächsten Hbf (Köln) und von dort dann aus weiter bis nach hause.

    Von einer geplanten 1.5 Stunden “Reise” wurden es dann einfach mal wieder 2 Stunden. Gut, nur 30 Minuten später ist jetzt nichts welt bewegendes aber bei einer Strecke von Bonn nach Köln ist das schon echt nervig.

    Aber viel schlimmer finde ich es, dass wir es schaffen Geräte zu entwickeln die wir auf den Meter gut finden können (Apple Airtags) und es gleichzeitig es nicht schaffen dass die verkackten Bahn Apps absolut keine aktuelle und verlässliche Aussage treffen können ob die Bahn jetzt kommt oder nicht.

    Aber was erwarte ich denn im Digitalisierung Neuland Deutschland…

  • I specifically moved the filament feed tube to the front so that the whole thing is more accessible and easier to handle, by default the whole stuff is at the end but I found it too annoying to always have to grab/reach through my printer under the bed to do anything with the filament.

    I did try using a spare PTFE tube for the cables but this didn’t really help that much. But I must say, I have fewer issues with the cables, the filament feed tube is more of an issue I want to address.

  • Well, what is the worst that could happen?

    Even if it is the identical gear, you probably would get the same value but you are sure that it is correct since you calibrated it. On the other hand, not doing the calibration because you think it is the identical gear you could get over or under extrusion and are wondering why it happens because “it should be the same gear” and possibly look in the completely wrong direction trying to fix the result.

    There is not really any harm in checking and being sure instead of assuming and then having to deal with the result.