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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • But should it be work?

    Should we really have a society where selling your body is an opportunity to make money.

    For instance, it imply that some poor women are gonna take it regardless the consequence, just because it’s the best alternative to pay the bills.

    I can barely tolerate the physical straining we put on some workers. Sex work’s consequences are unacceptable to me in that same sens, sometimes worse.

    So sure, no matter your opinion we should respect them, and not incriminate them!

    And of course not all sex work is the same… to be acceptable it just requires better conditions. It can’t be something you choose out of need.

  • I agree, the sooner the better.

    Sex ed is what makes children mature enough to have sex once they reach the age of doing it.

    But what’s the point of raising the age of consent?

    My point is there isn’t any if sex ed is done well, it only makes sex more taboo.

    Conversely, if you want to raise it, maybe it’s because sex ed wasn’t done properly, making teens not able to be mature enough for an activity they are gonna do anyway.

    For driving, I would agree in general we aren’t good at driving, but changing our means of transport isn’t easy, despite being the best solution. That wasn’t really the topic though…

  • Thinking people in their late teenage years and young adults aren’t mature enough to do some of those things is just a big tell of how bad we educate them rather than their brain not being “developed”.

    Consent is the most obvious example, teenagers are gonna have a sexual life no matter what you want them to do. Removing consent just remove yourself from the responsibility of educating them and entice them to stay hidden.

    Driving is also just necessary to anyone working, again being safe just need to be taught, plenty of adults are just as immature and stupid.

    The same can be said for drinking or smoking, prevention is so much more effective than restrictions.

    However, for voting or joining the army that’s when i agree. Because the system is built to prey on them, making sure they stay uneducated and vulnerable. So only then does having restrictions make sens to keep them safe.

  • Not sure I share that viewpoint for the US, the history of the indigenous is the story of the people, not the nation.

    And the US has many more populations that have great history, from EU and Africa.

    But the beginning of its history is founded on the gathering and interaction of all those different cultures.

    So for me saying the country is young doesn’t quite have the same connotations of erasure from colonialist, it mostly makes me think of how current the melting pot of all those different cultures are.

    I still agree we shouldn’t diminish the importance of indigenous people in it.

  • I get that, most people are like you, it’s normal. Best thing for everyone is to avoid those persons.

    But my point of view is a lot more optimistic, i think having this behavior isn’t all their are defined as. They can still grow and learn, especially on other area of life.

    Depending on how much they rely on this behavior you can have two approach…

    If it’s little, you can teach them better without them knowing, as long as it doesn’t directly clash with their dogma, but it requires to be subtle.

    If they rely to much on it, the best course is to detach their opinions from the real world and only speak to them with very down to earth things.

    I know it will not always really work, most of the time my optimistic view is to idealistic. I can have it because i’m more tolerant, maybe too much.

    The goods thing is, even if i’m wrong, i can enjoy myself doing this, and for the rare time i do change something in that person, well that feels great.

  • That’s not a good argument, nor true.

    A foetus is the stage after the embryo, when organogenesis is done meaning tissue and organs have formed, right up to the point of delivery.

    This means at delivery, a foetus becomes a baby by coming out, no other changes.

    So i wouldn’t really call that difference relevant in a moral debate. The stages of development or number of weeks is, but you can’t really distinguish the two without this specification.

    That’s why where i live we allow 14 weeks after the first absence of periods for example.

  • I’m not a song writer but it seems to me a lots of songs can share some similar chord progression without being in any way the same. It can be more or less obvious.

    I feel like, as we’re immersed into music, when creating music what we hear in our head can and will be influenced. It probably should be too.

    Because even so, you have more than one influence, you don’t put them like anyone else and that’s where you start putting something that’s you, into it.

    But to me that also mean what you feel is not only normal for a song writer, but also to any creative process.

    I myself got quite obsessed at some point with this question of what is “original”, what is creation.

    It’s pretty philosophical though, on a more practical point of view the best solution is to be learn to recognize your influences in general, and start to build your own style from them. Then you’ll know even if one melody resembled another it’s still your song. That takes a good level of expertise to define yourself though, and is never really fixed, wich will mean the question can come back often.