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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I do not believe, at all, that linux needs to grow. We don’t need to appeal to every casual pc user, because for most of these people what they are using already works just fine for them - and if they don’t already have the drive to learn about and try linux on their own, there’s no reason to shove it in their faces.

  • Nintendo 64 games.
    It was the first game console I really played much of growing up. I’d go to my dads on the weekends and he had it there, so it was this magical time, playing Ocarina of Time and Mario Kart 64. I’ve collected nearly all the games I grew up with, as well as some I never played as a kid. I like having it, knowing that at any time I can play them, in their original forms on hardware. Emulation is great but playing on hardware just hits different.

  • Linux really isn’t ideal for anyone who isn’t already a tech enthusiast on some level. I recently did a fresh install of Kubuntu and after about a week, it prompted me that there were updates, so I clicked the notification and ran the updates, after which my BIOS could no longer detect the UEFI partition. I had to use a live usb to chroot into the system and repair it, as well as update grub, in order to fix it.
    It’s fixable, but this is not something anyone who doesn’t already know what they’re doing can fix. I’ve had auto updates in the past put me on boot-loops thanks to nvidia drivers, etc.
    This kind of thing needs to almost never happen for linux to be friendly for those who just want their computer to work without any technical understanding. This, honestly though, can’t happen because of the nature of distros, you can’t ever make guarantees that everything will work because every distro has slightly different packages.
    Wine is getting better, but compatibility is still an issue, especially for people who rely really heavily on microsoft office or adobe products.

  • What you need to do, is engage with people so that you’re getting federated content from the instances they are on. It takes time, my strategy was to follow anyone I thought was remotely interesting, and then unfollow people I end up not caring much for until I had a nice curated, populated timeline. It definitely helps to not be on a tiny instance, but it’s not necessary to be on big ones like mastodon.social.