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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.world"Labour Market"
    5 months ago

    So, if im reading this right - I make this, therefore I should get all the profit from it? So then who buys the equipment you used to make it?

    Should every banker receive all the interest from money, that is not theirs, that they loan out?

    Likewise, the employee isn’t responsible for the output, the business is. Does the employee bear the cost of warranty repairs, refunds, products recalls and complaints? Does them employee pay the fine if it doesn’t preform as advertised, or legally responsible if it injured someone? If i make a burger at a restaurant and the order is wrong, do i now have to pay for the burger myself? If the customer refuses to pay, do I then have to foot the bill?

  • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.world"Labour Market"
    5 months ago

    Im at the point where I wonder both “what is the world coming to” and “am I turning into a boomer”?

    In what reality does an employee turn up to work in a building they didn’t lease, use equipment they didn’t pay for, inputs they didn’t buy, logistics they didn’t develop, to fill contracts they didn’t aquire, done through loans they aren’t responsible for and a business plan they didn’t back, and expect the lions share of the profit from utalising this, ironically being paid by someone they didn’t hire and with money they didn’t collect?

  • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.world"Labour Market"
    5 months ago

    Then stop arguing with internet strangers and go out and do it yourself. I can’t make this any clearer - if you think its unfair, that they take a disproportionate amount, that you work soo much harder, quit bitching and quit. Because I can guarantee you won’t - the job security, less responsibility and ability to let someone else worry if you have work or not is far too comfortable. At will works both ways.

    ~95% of businesses fail in the first 5 years. Have fun.

  • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.world"Labour Market"
    5 months ago

    You have raised a number of points here, and unfortunately I don’t have the time to debate all of them.

    The key takeaway i have from your comments is that your only focus is on those who succeed. You’ve ignored all of those who took the same risks and didn’t make it. You see the success, but you don’t see the time and history they (originally) put in to make it happen.

    The company I currently own started off with the equivalent of about 8 hours minimum wage in assets, and one contract for 1 hour a week - I technically now no longer need to work and can sit on my ass and take minimum wage. What you, and my staff didn’t see was the number of sleepless nights I had, how many weekends and public holidays I missed, how many times I worked a 10 hour day, then got up again at midnight because more work came up. You don’t see the extra 20 hours a week I take on unpaid to build or invest for the next thing. I am considering passing on a contract for 15% annual growth not because I am too tired, but because there is physically not enough hours to do everything between 5pm and 8am when our work needs to be finished by, and that’s before I start the next days work.

    If you want to be upset about those who are at the top, who get trust funds, literally put your money and body where your mouth is. I can tell you right now that you won’t benefit from it, you will suffer immensely, and it could be all for nothing, but your kids might have it easier.

  • I cant agree with you, by the simple fact that no one says you have to work for someone else.

    You could argue that even if you own the company you still have to work for someone else to get paid, but likewise everything you need to survive needs to be made or produced by someone.

    The hunter gatherers would get food, but they don’t make their own Healthcare. Doctor’s don’t make their own food or houses, and builders don’t work the land. Bet you didn’t make the device you typed that comment on.

    Capitalism allows people to work in one aspect, and trade for what else they need. You could easily argue that late stage is exploitive, more regulation is needed and people are greedy, but that’s a whole different arguement.