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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Your work ethic is your own. Don’t let others bring you down to their level. If anything be a leader by lifting them up. Yeah nobody wants to be taken advantage of, I’ve been there. Quick personal story: my friend got me a job working for his parents business as he can’t keep up with the work load. Turns out he is a lazy bum, job is easy he tells me I have to do all the work. I use my anger constructively. I do all the work without bitching. Get a hundred times better at it than him. Embarrass him in front of his parents. Get everything I want. Basically I run the show. Hopefully your supervisor sees your worth if not find someone who does. Good luck

  • I get what you mean about “woah bruh” but this is actually a very good question. It’s also very difficult to answer because what we value is very personal to each of us. My advice is if something piques your interest or looks enjoyable then try it. You’ll find out then if it’s worth doing. If not that’s fine, you won’t waste any time wondering. The funny thing about regret is it’s better to regret something you’ve done than to regret something you haven’t done.

  • I’ll give to our local food bank. The money goes a lot farther than if I give it to someone who spends it on junk food at the corner store.

    I used to ask for spare change when I was younger. Never poor, just young and hitchhiking around for fun. It’s fun to have little interactions with strangers. Don’t give money away that you can’t afford to give and don’t feel bad about it. You can give them respect and dignity just by talking to them. Yeah there are plenty of scammers out there, if you gift something to someone it’s out of your hands. Don’t get too butt hurt if you see them with a forty in a paper bag later. If they’re not pushy I’ll hand them a twenty sometimes just to see the look on their face.

  • At night cool your house down by opening windows and using windows fans. I have a two story house. Heat rises so I’ll place window fans blowing out in the upstairs windows and fans blowing in upstairs. In the morning close up the windows and close curtains and shades over the windows that receive direct sunlight. If you have a room that gets hotter than the others shut the door to that room or hang a curtain over the doorway. My hot water tank is in a first floor room so I isolate that room and leave the windows open. Have a ceiling fan? Make sure it’s blowing in the right direction. Most have a switch so you can alternate direction it blows the air. Not always practical but soaking your feet in cool water will lower your body temperature. Much like coolant cools a combustible engine car your blood circulates through your body distributing heat. Personally I avoid using AC while driving as much as I can. It’s my opinion that when we get used to such comforts we suffer without them. I do have a window unit but use it only on the hottest nights. One last thought. Some lights or appliances in your house may give off a lot of heat, feel around them to find which ones do and switch them off. You can’t do anything about your refrigerator (gives off a lot) I had a plasma TV that felt like a space heater and also used a lot of electricity