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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023

  • Ph yeah, no, I agree with that part. But the part about people waiting till they’re old and then demanding. That part is something we are doing now. We just want people to be taken care of in general. It shouldn’t have to be a worry for anyone of any age.

    But I do agree that those who are lucky enough to be able to save should save. Cause even if shit gets crazy, having something to help you will be better than living in an apartment with nothing. Either way it’s a win.

  • Because things were getting worse. And they’re still getting worse. And they will continue to get worse. We have charts and graphs and studies for a lot of different things showing things were getting worse, and have only continued to do so. Like the cost of living didn’t just steadily go up with a steady inflation. It’s been a curve. And then the last few years fucked us pretty bad.

    Climate change. Still getting hotter. Still not slowing down enough. Some places are doing their parts, but places like here in the US, we aren’t doing nearly enough. And a lot of the stuff we are doing ends up on backfiring because of capitalism. For instance, California banned the single use plastic bags. But a lot of reusable bags are plastic. The law is the bag needs to be a certain thickness and be advertised as reusable… So places just made thicker bags. And then people still throw them away. So each bag is now more plastic than before.

    So yes. They gave us a warning. Things got worse.

    So we got a second warning. Things still got worse.

    Then rather than shutting up as you would prefer, they gave us another warning. Still getting worse.

  • We aren’t asking for tax payers money to take care of us in the way you’re thinking. We are asking for universal basic needs. For the young and the old. Healthcare, housing, etc. To move past capitalism. Especially since we are already seeing the issues popping up. People are already starting to work later in life to pay the bills. We are already seeing a surge in elderly homelessness. Of people not being able to pass down anything in inheritance because they have health issues and need to stay in a facility which takes everything from them.

    We aren’t waiting to say “Now that we are older take care of us”

    We are currently saying the system is broken now.

  • The apps is definitely a part of it for me. One if my friends got YouTube Premium, and since he has 3 profiles he can attach to it, hrs letting me use it. It’s nice for the ad free videos on my TV. But it also comes with YouTube Music. It’s honestly kind of annoying at times.

    Like yesterday I wanted to listen to an album by a band, and they only have like 2 of 3 albums. The one I wanted to listen to is the one they didn’t have. So I had to make a Playlist by finding videos of the songs.

    And thats for a band that’s not super underground. I listen to a lot of grindcore and black metal, and a lot of that isn’t even on there.

    And when you download things, you can only have it organized by albums. I can’t organize it by band and then have all the albums.

    It’s also sometimes slow to load up stuff I’ve downloaded.

    Over all its not the greatest experience. I’m currently looking at getting a mobile game device for my emulators so I can free up space on my phone, and then I’m thinking about just going back to having all the music on files on there and using an music player app. And like you said, I can have it organized how I want and customize things a bit more. Especially since I no longer have Comcast, so I can use Soulseek again.