I was surprised to hear neopets is still a thing. A friend went and checked it on a whim.
I was surprised to hear neopets is still a thing. A friend went and checked it on a whim.
I definitely liked diddy better, just because years later I remember the ‘story’ it had, and the fun of exploring the overworld. That magical feeling of getting to space? It was awesome. The challenge/gameplay may have been tighter in mario, but diddy was just overall more fun.
I mean, the biggest issue with me for the great googlio isn’t the ads and the ai, both of which I hate, but the actual shit-infested results. It’s not removing the ads full of SEO that are posing as websites, it’s just giving you an old UI for the new 2025™ search.
Repair steps are one of the few tasks that I feel videos are better than words (and sometimes pictures). It definitely helps to see the motions they’re taking and a single capture of the location from walking up to the car (or other repairable object) all the way to looking at the part that needs fixing.
I see you already have a ton of recommendations, but I’ll throw in the Zowie/BenQ mice. I’ve had mine for I think 6-8 years and it’s still going strong. The only thing it doesn’t have is the left/right wheel function. It looks like they’ve gone a little heavy on the ‘gaming’ focus in their branding, but the designs haven’t changed much in the time since I bought mine.