she/her - hammer/sickle - state/revolution

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Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I think the nationalist brainworms of americans do most of the heavy lifting, combined with the fact liberals are completely without principles. It’s not dissimilar to how they’ll happily use homophobia to attack Republicans or whoever the current international villain is simply because “they’re bad so it’s ok”. This same lack of principles applies to history too, which they will rewrite to suit their nationalist goals at any time with no principles or scruples. The core issue is nationalism. Anyone you can deprogram and change into an internationalist stops all of this.

  • I misspoke, it’s not 20million it’s 9million for specifically hunger. The 20million figure I used here comes from adding in clean water and curable disease. It’s still an extremely basic and charitable figure for the extremely preventable deaths that occur under capitalism.

    If the CIA’s own declassified internal documents refuting the cold war propaganda that you are spouting isn’t enough for you then nothing ever will be. You’re repeating the cold war propaganda line, I’m showing you that the CIA’s own documents at the time refute it, because obviously internally you can’t lie to yourselves about the matter even if you are doing propaganda publicly about it. You don’t want to acknowledge or absorb it because it would mean having to self-crit and readjust an ideological position you’re committed to.

  • I think there’s so much more you can do with the setting and the sandbox though. The basics of a city sandbox involve the police, fire and ambulance response to problems in the city.

    There should be private fire crews, and they should compete with each other. Fires that break out should have multiple private fire companies come out to them and compete for putting out the fire. This should turn into a disaster obviously because they just shoot the shit out of each other.

    Ambulance teams should obviously be Trauma Team. The scene where you hand over the woman from the bathtub to Trauma Team should have been the way they work ALWAYS. They should be scary heavily geared medics that don’t fuck around about killing you to save some corpo you’ve injured, they should show up before the police in cases of corpos because Trauma Team are more efficient than the cops, and not over-stretched.

    The cops should have a real chase system, and show significantly more signs of being overstretched in the city.

    Areas of the world should react realistically to player inputs, rather than feeling like a diorama they should feel like living spaces.

    If these had been nailed properly along with modtools the modscene for the game could have been better than Skyrim. Especially with all the locked doors everywhere for modders to add content with.

    On the non-technical side of things. I find CDPR’s cyberpunk to be a little confused. Sometimes it doesn’t remember that this world is hell and it goes to “coool futureeeee”, effectively having the aesthetic trappings of the genre but trying to pretend that the world is good and likeable. Trigger’s show on the other hand is never confused about the world, it’s a living hell that nobody should ever admire or think is cool and it never strays from that. This isn’t really very surprising given that everyone working at Trigger is a communist though lmao. You can see the difference between half of CDPR being right wing who actually admire this future libertarian hell city vs Trigger’s studio full of commies.

  • (People pointed out that the city is dead because NPCs don’t have daily routines/cycles and they are dumb)

    The issue is mainly that they (and the city overall) don’t really react in a way that has been established by open world city games since like… GTA3?

    NPCs didn’t have a range of reactions to aggression or being bumped, they wouldn’t start fights, some of the seated ones wouldn’t even run away when gunfire goes off nearby they’d just stay seated and scream. The police system was obviously hellishly bad with cops just teleporting in to fight you, no chase/escape gameplay, no real anything.

    The sandbox basically fails to deliver standard features of the open world city sandbox that have existed in every open world city game for 15 years.

    The story content is good, and plays really well. The issue is that the world and interacting with it functionally feels like a diorama that you’re not supposed to touch. Like a background in a movie where the walls will fall over if you touch them.

    Compare to how the world interacts with the player in GTA5 or RDR2 and it’s massively underwhelming, which is what people were expecting in terms of quality and polish. It’s a real shame because the game is gorgeous and tonnes of effort clearly went into its world and story. I personally have some other issues with it, like the “punk” aspect not really being present because half the studio are far-right PiS voters but it’s a Polish studio so I expected that. Trigger really demonstrated how this franchise should look when you handle it from the properly left-wing “punk” angle that the cyberpunk genre is supposed to have, fully committing with no both-sides or confusion about it.

  • This is not particularly surprising. Lemmy was started as an anti-corporate project by leftists after /r/chapotraphouse got quarantined and later banned (subreddit for the most popular podcast and most donated patreon at the time), with the explicit goal of preventing corporate control from being able to silence leftists when they’re blasting off. CTH was skyrocketing in subscribers at the time it was quarantined on August 8th 2019, and when even quarantining didn’t stop its growth or slow down its activity afterwards Reddit pulled the plug under the excuse it promoted violence, but the only particularly edgy thing ever said there was “slave owners should be killed” and support for John Brown. This evolved post-ban into the assessment that Spez banned it because he wants to own slaves.

    When that happened there was a massive shift in the leftist parts of reddit as we very quickly realised we’d be targeted if reddit ever deemed us to be too successful, and projects like Lemmy began in reaction. CTH’s community in fact moved to Lemmy 3 years ago, and resides on but has not yet joined the rest of federated lemmy due to technical issues (it used to be a fork with a different front end).

    Given lemmy’s specific anti-corporate origins seeing do this should surprise nobody. It’s the correct move anyway.

  • Almost once a week for the last 5 years there is a neoliberal that screams about defederating from leftist instances that have absolutely zero power and influence in the world just for disagreeing with them politically. Doesn’t matter whether you’re on lemmy or mastodon or other services, this happens like clockwork.

    Those exact same people are currently defending against defederating from an evil megacorporation with literal cia employees on staff that does real quantifiable evil shit in the world, and they claim to be moral.