Wait, did it die completely? I knew they lost the domain, but did they not change to anywhere else?
Wait, did it die completely? I knew they lost the domain, but did they not change to anywhere else?
Not sure if that is what you mean here, but when I was in University I started taking speed to try and keep up with studying despite my ADHD/depression.
And not just a bit either, but quite a lot and I must have overdone it and stayed up too many nights in a row once. I remember trying to go through my day, while I constantly spotted what could only be described as “shadow people”, whenever I tried to directly look at them they would be gone, but then I‘d see it again just near the edges of my field of view. It was one very creepy day and what led to me finally admitting I can‘t do it anymore.
So I ended up dropping out, found a job in IT and got therapy and some more reasonable ADHD meds too. Still, I imagine that is what being schizophrenic might be like and I did not enjoy that at all.
I read a lot of philosophy until I had an existential crisis, which ironically made me feel worse at first and then better later on, because I realised basically “nothing really matters” and the majority of things that stressed me out are so small. Sure, some stuff has negative consequences for me and messes with my emotions, but even that passes with time and much of it is simply in my head (I got a nice cocktail of ADHD with depression and anxiety and get stuck in feelings of dread and doom).
Well, I also go to therapy, and there I learned to focus on myself and what I need and like, with the goal to either distract myself or enjoy small pleasures. Like I walk to a quiet place somewhere when noise stresses me out or listen to music, I make myself a nice meal or some tea (iced tea in summer) or take a cool shower or sit down to draw something or write comments or talk to a person I like, all those small things that make me feel a bit like “I can live one day longer”.
Basically, instead of looking at the world and the things you can‘t change of affect like your past, look only at yourself in the here and now and ask “how could I make this a bit more bearable for myself?” and then I do that. Though there is some limit there like don‘t do drugs (which I DID do, it gave relief, but made me feel much worse over time! just a warning), but even outside of that there is usually something you can do.
Many desires are also artificially induced by marketing and peer pressure and the more I understood that, the less I felt like I had to do x or y or whatever everyone else is doing to be happy. That includes my comment and those of all others by the way, one or more points may resonate with you and help and others may be completely useless to you, what matters most here is finding what works for you and doing more of that. If you try some of this and have a moment where your mind calms down and you feel alright, take note of that and do that again.
Though I‘m not entirely well, this stuff comes back sometimes, but I got a bunch of ways to deal with it now which help me out.
If it‘s Windows, I usually do something similar to this: https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-remove-bloatware-from-windows-10/
Also in addition to the good Firefox + uBlock already mentioned, first things I install would be Windows Power Toys, Greenshot for screenshots and Obsidian for writing and note taking that‘s most of what comes to mind.
In German but “As long as they pretend to pay me, I pretend to work.” Probably one of the first pieces of wisdom I got way back as a wee apprentice.
Now, I work more than this quote may make one think of me, but it‘s influenced me insofar as I‘m aware of not overdoing it as my employers never overdo the pay part either.
I do feel like that gives an incentive to get people of the opposite party into prison to influence the election.
Da in einem globalen Konzern eine ganze Menge, zB. sprechen wir halt immer von global/local aber spontan fällt mir ein der aktuelle hiring freeze der in aller Munde ist. Ich finds immer extra witzig im Österreichischen… “Jo des mid dem hiring freeze is a gaunz schena Schas!” Mehr direkt auf meinen Job bezogen, incidents und changes.
I‘m not entirely sure tbh, I don‘t even remember where I originally got this link from, I just think it seems legit due to the updates etc. Maybe the onion link you have is a personal one or maybe they switch mirrors every so often. There is a few copycats around too you can find on Google, but with onion links its even harder to know what‘s up.
In addition to Anna’s Archive, I also use libgen.rs, libgen.is, gen.lib.rus.ec (which I think are all the same site?) as well as zlib (ways to access on: https://go-to-zlibrary.se/#useful_link_tab), I can‘t find more than the core rule book on there though.
It‘s probably going to be the other way around if anything, Spotify eventually doing various moves worsening the experience in an effort for more money. It‘s surprising how long it is holding out (and I‘m still using and enjoying it too), but ever since I learned about Enshittification, I‘m expecting it to worsen eventually.
Naja es haben wahrscheinlich diese Leute ja Familien und so weiter, welche jetzt einen noch stärkeren Groll hegen. Stell dir vor dein Kind wird so hingerichtet und du hast nichts mehr zu verlieren als dein eigenes Leben.
Ich glaube eher, dass es in Zukunft noch mehr eskaliert dadurch. Wenn du weißt, dass Demonstration ohnehin den Tod bedeutet, dann demonstrierst du sicher ganz anders, nämlich bestenfalls bewaffnet und organisiert.
Yeah I feel you, it‘s like the “rich person at a carnival” parable:
Entrepreneurship is like one of those carnival games where you throw darts or something.
Middle class kids can afford one throw. Most miss. A few hit the target and get a small prize. A very few hit the center bullseye and get a bigger prize. Rags to riches! The American Dream lives on.
Rich kids can afford many throws. If they want to, they can try over and over and over again until they hit something and feel good about themselves. Some keep going until they hit the center bullseye, then they give speeches or write blog posts about “meritocracy” and the salutary effects of hard work.
Poor kids aren’t visiting the carnival. They’re the ones working it.
Maybe this is just a miss. I tend to see plans or conspiracy sometimes, when it could just be incompetence.
Spotify, only because they still got everything I need and I don‘t want to bother with building my own music library. If they enshittify the service enough, I‘ll ditch that too though.
It‘s pretty clear to me this guy knows nothing other than “how to throw money at intelligent people to make them make more money”, but with Twitter he somehow didn‘t do that. Instead he went the opposite way, to not pay bills and fire the intelligent people. I can only surmise, that this is an effort to destroy Twitter, maybe it was a thorn in some countries side?
Höre zum ersten Mal von dieser Stadt und es ist die Info, dass ich dort nicht hingehen soll. Ist auch ok, ich respektiere sowas absolut und werde die Stadt vermeiden wenn ich mal nach Kroatien komme.
Es würden mich die ganzen Touristen wahrscheinlich auch nerven, wobei mich das Gesetz auch stören würde, weil ich ja einen kleinen Rollkoffer auch so zB. für kurze Trips im Inland verwende, also kann mir schon vorstellen, dass das den ein oder anderen Einwohner auch treffen könnte.
I‘m the type of determined contrarian who even pays for AdBlockers to support them in this arms race, so if they want that sweet subscription cash to keep coming they‘ll defeat whatever bullshit Youtube comes up with. Worth every cent, for a less ad infested world.
Ne ich weiss schon, dass es nicht wirklich eine Partei gibt die mir da helfen kann. Die Grünen anscheinend ein bisschen, aber bis die jemals Mehrheit werden bin ich wahrscheinlich schon tot und das Klima so im Eimer, dass die Werbetafeln ganz von selbst abgebrannt sind. Anscheinend wollen die Leute das alle so, oder es gibt nicht genug die es so stört wie mich. Tja.
Ich hasse alle Werbung sowas von abgrundtief.
Mein Gefühlsverlauf:
Freude dabei das Wort Werbeverbot überhaupt mal zu lesen.
Leichte Enttäuschung zu erfahren, dass es nur um Zuckerkram geht.
Mittlere Enttäuschung zu erfahren, dass es anscheinend nur um das Ausstrahlen davon geht, welches ich sowieso schon aufgrund von Werbung seit 10+ Jahren vermeide.
Große Enttäuschung, als ich diese bescheuerten Zeiten gelesen habe.
Ich brauche irgendeine KI Brille auf denen ich Adblocker installieren kann um den Dreck der überall rumsteht und die Welt verschandelt auszublenden, weil sonst in ca. 30 Jahren bei der Demenz erwischt ihr mich vielleicht dabei wie ich mit einer Lanze gegen Werbetafeln kämpfe.
I heard of indiemade but idk how good it still is and how long until they too enshittify…
I do use AdGuard on my phone, but it worked for me. Good to know they‘ll be back ty.