I just checked Gemini and it told me all about blackwater, Waco and Ruby ridge.
I’m not sure if there is an equivalent American history thing I could search that it would bury or ignore but I’m sure someone out there can think of one.
I just checked Gemini and it told me all about blackwater, Waco and Ruby ridge.
I’m not sure if there is an equivalent American history thing I could search that it would bury or ignore but I’m sure someone out there can think of one.
I think this has to do more with the popular vote going to Trump than anything Trump did specifically. They all collectively shat on him or didn’t interact with him from 2016 and all through Bidens presidency.
They saw that public opinions has shifted so badly that Trump swept everything and won the popular vote. Suddenly they are all his best friend.
They never cared. They just want to be in the “side” more people like. you’re forgetting that money/power is what drives these people. They saw more money in power in bashing Trump or siding with the Democrats until the 2024 election happened. Now they feel they can get more money and power by siding with Trump.
Yeah that’ll show him. I’m sure he’s gonna lose a ton of sleep over the miniscule amount of traffic that’s going to drop for his shitty website that he bought and drove into the ground.
Wait actually he cares way too much about how people view him so it might actually bother him a ton. It’s hard to say really.
Either way stop using Twitter and reddit. Both terrible.
And even then… Sometimes it doesn’t work haha
The users on this site are so cooked. Mans is getting downvoted for using the correct terminology lol.
Oh that’s not very poggers.
Wait I missed something. What happened with bambulabs?
I watched it. It was alright. Definitely nothing so special I’ll feel the need to watch it again.
I don’t want to know much much time I have “wasted” in my life trying to do something faster and ultimately fucking it up lol
I like your style.
And here I was just taking my crembule torch and some pliers holding onto both ends then cleaning up the bulge of melted plastic with a razer blade lol
You method seems far “cleaner” but I’m lazy and I’ll probably just keep doing my jank method. Still cool tho.
Ah. I guess that makes sense. I only ever go on social media from my phone so I will only be viewing Lemmy through the lens of Sync I guess. Thanks for the info.
If that’s intentional that seems like a bad idea. Just gonna lead to confusion on the users end and more posts asking why things are “broken”.
Thank you for the info. Are there any other symbols or site quirks I should know about?
Rule 1 for Lemmy overall or that specific sub? Cause I don’t see any rules listed under the “about” tab. I didn’t break rule 1 as its written as far as I can tell. So that just feels like mod abuse because they didn’t like what I said or something.
I also didn’t get any sort of notification for this temporary ban. Is that intentional? It was simply giving me “network errors” whenever I tried to upvote something and the feedback for the user was very unclear.
I know I’m asking a lot of questions but can anyone see the ban logs for everything? I am obviously very new and still trying to figure out how this whole shindig works.
Edit: Thank you for the info. It was very thorough and you didn’t have to do all those links and everything. But it was very appreciated.
6 alarms each a minute apart. 5 from my phone and 1 from my Google home.
My mom used to have to dump ice water on me to get me outta bed for school.
Once I’m asleep I’m pretty sure you could throw me outta an airplane and I wouldn’t wake up.
Fan for air flow and noise (I’ve got tinnitus). Rub one out. Small glass of cold water. I’ll roll over and pass tf out in seconds.
Highly recommended, but not necessary: Take an edible ~ 2 hours before you wanna go to sleep so you’re in the middle of riding that high when it’s time to crash.
Just take a scoop out and bring it back. Should be easy right? Lol
When I was ~10 I was running around the house with a white bedsheet over my head. I was pretending to be a ghost while I chased my older brother around the house. Unfortunately I slipped backwards on the sheet and hit the back of my head on my mom’s solid oak coffee table. Immediately blood started soaking the sheet red and I obviously screamed out in pain. My mom came running into the living room to find me screaming and the sheet just turning more and more red.
At this time we lived about an hour away from the nearest hospital and my mom knew if she tried to take me in for stitches that I would probably bite the doctor or something (I have a pathological fear of needles). So she opted to shave my head and tape it shut. Then she instructed my brother to keep me awake for the next few hours (she was worried about a concussion) and she let me watch whatever movie or play whatever video game I wanted for the rest of the day.
It healed fine and now I have a small scar on the back of my head that is only visible if I shave my hair super short.
I would be very curious to see where they draw the line lol.