The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • if you use the archinstall to setup everything (partitioning, locales, de’s, etc), not that much, but def. more than some “everything and the kitchensink straight out of the box” distros. The installer worked nicely on 2 machines I’ve tested it on, a laptop and a desktop. While the base system and graphical desktop installed nice, there was quite a bit of manual tinkering left.

    But, steam works more or less the same on linux as it works on windows - but there is some proton version selecting, and even then absolutely everything doesn’t work.

    Personally, nvidia+wayland (and xwayland in general) is pretty horrid with some games, but supposedly that’s supposedly getting fixed next month… It’s always something and the fix is so tantalizingly close.

    and, it’s not like the EOL for win10 is that close, seems to be October 14, 2025, so there’s still plenty of time.

  • sample size of 1, admittedly, but there’s so few times I’ve managed to break arch - which I can’t 100% attribute to myself.

    Once the updates broke, somehow wiping bash -binary and kernel. Not entirely sure how or why, all I did was a normal pacman -Suy. I might have issued the pacman -command from a long path which didn’t exist anymore, not sure if relevant or not. Hasn’t happened since, so… dunno. It did spook me a bit, but nobody else at the time reported similar issues.

    I’ve ran arch for years at work (webdevelopment, desktop and laptop), home server (irc shell, mumble, etc hosting) and now home desktop too (gaming, media, dualbooting with win10).

    The home server has required a powerbutton -forced boot once or twice, many months of uptime & regular kernel updates can apparently mess something with networking and usb, so can’t ssh in and keyboard doesn’t get regognized when plugged in. So, you know, reboot after kernel updates? :D

    It’s always a good idea to check the website for breaking changes which require manually doing something, there has been a few along the years.

  • Assuming you know what you’re doing, maybe some script? At least on linux something like this seems to work:

    while read -r line;
        firefox "${line}";
        sleep ${sleep_time};
    done < "${urls_file}";

    edit: heh, tried to delete this as irrelevant, as I entirely missed the clipboard & requirement for a button IN firefox… but it didn’t really delete it seems. Oh well, leaving this in for laughs.

    Anyhoo, if you need to speed up/throttle the link opening somehow, maybe add some incremental counter there and skip sleeping if counter < 10 or whatever.

  • I might have missed something VERY obvious - I did skim through check the mkinitcpio, grub and microcode wikipages - but just merging .pacnew to current config (mkinitcpio, grub defaults), mkinitcpio -p linux and grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg, newly created grub.conf still had intel-ucode on the initrd -line. This happened on both machines I have atm.

    Arch forums had the magic words here:

    Add this line to /etc/default/grub then regenerate grub.cfg:


    and then my grub.cfg generated fine without the intel-ucode, and after rebooting dmesg seems to indicate the new method works fine

    [    0.314430] microcode: Current revision: 0x0000002f
    [    0.314433] microcode: Updated early from: 0x00000014

    Always something :P

  • It’s quite divisive subject. While I’m more in the camp indifferent about it, I do get the arguments for and against it.

    To me curbstomping lowlevels is just pointless, and legendary godslayer gigathug lvl 99 is silly. Occasionally I end up putting a quest/mission/whetever on hold and later I realize it’s now “gray”. Walking through enemies that can’t hurt me, to get a magguffin to get an (at that point) insignificant reward feels dumb. Sure, I could just not do the mission at that point, but… I’m compelled to do all. Always. :D

    Fairly consistent difficulty and growing arsenal of player’s tools without making me op sounds all good to me. But, remains to be seen how the scaling feels later on.

    Each to their own, but admittedly it seems odd change to the game at this point. I don’t mind it, but… eh. Odd.