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Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I much prefer the trickle of releases to a lump season dump.

    It allows time to digest, discuss and catch up throughout the release schedule if you’re invested in the story. You can convince your friends to watch a few episodes to catch up and then watch the end of the season together. You can read fan theories online, formulate your own, and overall each weekly episode can result in a lot of engaging fun interactions.

    With a series dump you have to binge it and wait for others to do the same in order to talk about it. The whole time you’re actively avoiding spoilers from friends/coworkers and avoiding reading about it online. The end result is you disengage from the fandoms/communities while you are getting through the show, which to me takes a lot of the fun out of a big show.

    I compare the difference between Stranger Things and GoT. To me these are probably two of the most significant pop-culture releases in the last decade or so.

    Game of Thrones resulted in hundreds of thousands of theories every week online and in public. T-Shirts were made based on popular online theories that never panned out in season. You would rag on friends who guessed the plot twist wrong and deify those who got their predictions spot on. Especially in my demographic the two months GoT was on was all about GoT.

    Stranger Things on the other hand, while still wildly popular hits differently. It’s much more of a build up to release, a week or two of “man that was awesome” followed by “I hope they make the next season soon.” Retroactive discussions happen for a while, but the discussions and the hype fizzles much more quickly.

    If I want to watch a trickle release show in one dump, I still can, I just wait until the whole season out, reactivate the subscription. Then I binge it.

    For me it’s much more fun to have an episode or two a week and build momentum through a season than it is to set off a one time firework.

  • Not so much an incident, but an unsolved mystery in my life that I don’t think I’ll ever know the answer to:

    A few years ago some friends of mine and I were going to a concert and left our cars in a parking lot in an office park near the arena and piled into one car.

    When I came back a few hours later that night, there was a dead duck on the hood of my car. It was still warm, there was no damage to my car, no feathers floating around anywhere, no blood on the duck (it hadn’t been shot or attacked as far as I could tell), it was just there by itself on the hood of my car. It wasn’t duck hunting season, and this is in a city with over a million people so not a rural area.

    I’ve asked all my friends, family if they know what happened, but nope. No one has confessed anything, and at this point I think anyone of my friends would’ve fessed up.

    I’m just baffled.

    It was like a duck landed on the hood of my car and dropped dead a few minutes before I got there on a random weeknight.

    I have no clue how, why or what happened.

  • I just finished Jurassic Park, and similarly the plot was fun but the characters were fine. The only character that’s somewhat fleshed out is basically a stand-in for Crichton himself and actually has multiple almost chapter long monologues talking about the “arrogance of science.”

    Which is confusing as hell as the character is supposedly a world-renown and respected mathematician and basically all of the criticisms Malcolm throws at “science” and “scientists” (as if all science and scientists are some unified bloc) would apply directly to other areas of academia…like mathematics.

    I didn’t even touch on the thematic confusion of pro-corporation messages while the villain is corporation-personified.

    I say all of that to say Crichton in my experience is great at finding interesting scenarios and plot lines to explore, and not much else.