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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Oh I had totally missed the 3d printing in space that’s really cool, just watching their video about it and wow is it painful with the marvel tie ins and stuff but looks very cool

    Seems like the ability to control temperature dissipation without convection could be really useful especially with metals like platinum, might be even sooner that it’s commercialised at scale if they can gather raw platinum and make high quality parts especially something like premium bike or boat parts, the corrosion resistance would make it perfect for tidal generation components too.

    That could be a possible first strong business, if the space platinum to earth pipeline is already in progress then it should be relatively cheap to divert some for manufacturing then parachuting them in splash down zones would make sense for tidal generator parts.

    Of course with progress on fusion it’s possible there won’t be a huge market for reliable cheap energy but we’ll see. I suspect the first thing made will be jewelry that’s sold in small amounts for absurd prices.

  • There’s a common thing parents do though where they don’t notice the point they lose total control, or lose control totally.

    It’s almost impossible to keep kids from the internet, they can’t stop prisoners getting phones in so what hope do parents have? How do you stop them using an account accessed by school computers, a secret second phone brought second hand or even worse brought for them by a creepy guy online. And if you block the services you know of it’ll push them into ones you’ve never heard of, unmoderated and dangerous places.

    And of course there’s the dream of trust but none of us tell our parents everything, especially when we’ve already gone too far and are embarrassed we broke the trust.

    If you as a kid are going to miss out on what feels like everything that’s happening with your friends then you’ll find a way. Or you’ll get bullied at school by groups the form online and with online memes.

    There needs to be safe places that kids can access social media, just saying they can’t until they’re a certain age won’t work and if it did then it sets them up for a lot of issues on their first day.

    A lot of it is down to parents to teach internet skills and awareness, it’s also down to major platforms that target kids as a key audience to ensure there are effective systems in place to combat and avoid negative situations which might result in a child being harmed.

  • Yeah, We used to work festivals where we’d do actual 20 hour days Saturday to Monday and get drink and high for the other four hours - by Monday morning takedown the tiredness would be by far the strongest drug

    One time I had a conversation with my friend about how weird it was watching yourself load a truck, then it hit me that we couldn’t be watching ourselves from outside the truck and realized suddenly we were inside doing the work. We were both totally out of it so we went to take a break and stood at the back of the truck but when I looked in we were still working and it was the exact situation I’d been seeing before.

    No idea the real order of events but my perception of time was messed up beyond anything I’ve experienced, if I lived in a less scientific time I’d 100% belive I’d time travelled or done weird magic. I assume the events must have been muddled together after or something but it felt so real.

  • Conspiracy loons are wild on Facebook so I know what you mean, it’s so hard not to poke them occasionally. I like that the feed is so broken you just start getting the most insane things - block as many shitty pages as you can, like all the ones that post about how a guy with one leg drove a truck 19 hours a day to pay for his grandsons double cancer so that means poor people shouldn’t get hand outs. Then you start getting into the real weeds, oh and block the bot farm ones, you’ll recognise them they post pickles comics and no human could bring themselves to do that.

    When you start seeing Indian mechanical engineering memes like ‘how to design flat roof pitch common mistake 💯 slope degree 13.5° ☑️’ you’re getting close, you’ll start seeing things like ‘today it takes us two years to build a family home but ancient people could do it in three weeks’ the comments will be full of people who know every facet of whatever conspiracies the post is somehow referencing, which is normally a lot.

    ‘normies don’t realize how much easier life was when we had sonic resonance construction tools, if they did they’d rotate the sixth tower of Thomas Tesla to reopen the Elizabethan Toltec free energy portal’ and you think they’re just in their own world but everyone will be replying ‘yeah, robin Williams was killed because if you watch Mrs doubtfire at the same time as eyes wide shut the dialog syncs up and they warn biden will cover up the free energy machine’

    Except of course they can say it in 20,000 words if they feel like it.

  • This is basic math, articles are written in one language but there are lots of languages they can be translated into so if a site written in English has a Spanish, french, and Portuguese version 75% of that counts as ai translated garbage - because apparently having stuff available to non English speakers is a bad thing now?

    As for ‘poorly’ What’s their mechanism for determinng it? How much is well translated or are they just assuming it’s poor because it’s possible it could be? Likewise what percentage is human translated and how do they determine that? Or is it another assumption to fit their narrative?

    Clickbait doomer nonsence.