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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I can’t remember if my dad sent me up an Ubuntu server on an azure hosted VM or if we installed it on an old laptop that was shitting out but either way, I’ve always gone back and forth since I was like 13 or 14.

    For servers, I use Linux exclusively. I don’t see a need for windows on them and as such have just always used either Ubuntu or RHEL for anything that I need to treat as a server. For laptops, I generally started with windows and then installed Linux a few years later but if I get a new one it’s gonna be Linux out of the gate.

    My desktop, on the other hand, is different. I’ve always used windows on my gaming desktops due to compatibility but a few years ago I tried Linux as my only OS for a bit. I loved using it at first, but then I ran into all the issues with trying to run a beefy gaming PC on Linux. Fan curves were a nightmare to set and half the time they couldn’t find my fans so they were either at full blast or off, and I hated the idea of using the bios because I don’t want to turn my PC off to set them. RGB was okay but some of my stuff didn’t get found, and all I wanted was a solid color but it was very hard. Some games didn’t work and they were the ones I wanted most.

    Ultimately, I went back to windows but then a year or two later the steam deck came out, so gaming has come a long way. I’m very much considering it again but I have to do my research beforehand to see what tools I’ll need. If anyone has any suggestions, I’ll take them!

  • At this point, the internet is so goddamn unusable without an adblocker that I don’t know why anyone would try.

    At work, I’ll occasionally start talking to someone about some fandom like Star Wars or Pathfinder or whatever. I’ll go to the wikia or fandom page for them and suddenly I get a million popups and half the page is covered in ads. It’s actually so bad that my work’s filter will occasionally block a site because they’ll say that the ads are too bad.

    The only time I see ads now is when I watch YouTube or Hulu on my TV, but even then I try to cast from my desktop (though Hulu ads seem to break through). I understand the idea of supporting creators, but for most YouTubers, their money comes from the sponsorships, not from me watching an ad.

  • I was somewhere around a year or two old. I can vividly remember me and the two neighbor girls who were 2 and 4 years older than me going into the bathroom and flushing some bath toy down the toilet, my dad being mad, then me asking if I could have it back when he unclogged the toilet.

    I also distinctly remember trying to find a toy that for a while I thought was a fake memory that I made up. The toy was a small version of a T-16 Skyhopper that came with a Luke action figure. I had to have been 3 because that toy was 1999 and my memory was when we moved, and I remember that pretty well.

    I also remember stepping on a carpet tack in our house, and I can even almost perfectly draw out that house’s layout even though it was in my first 3-4 years of life.