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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Thanks for letting me know about this logic table thing, that explains my question when younger why some old computers had massive array of same components put together.

    ps. my first computer was a 80286 knock off. By the time I get to high school(basically 80386 era) that have a computer tech club where member bring their old computer parts to share, they are mostly no longer functional. I basically donated my old 80286’s 20MB hard drive for tear down and that’s first time me and other member see what it looks like inside a hard drive.

  • From look at the board, basically it looks like they did the “hardware” emu approach. But people I know that enjoy retro stuff they either want the look(original or replica case/keyboard, but internal is more modern that runs software emu) or they want the antique(functional original). It’s pretty rare to see these kinda of hardware emu where they bundle chips as close to old ones while trying to replicate how the old hardware work and then drive with another modern board for the input/output.

  • I wish that in the future developer can just host their own game with very minimum cost/overhead unless they really need some platform’s backend feature. (multiplayer game mostly.)

    For single player game I really don’t see why it is so difficulty to host (even torrent it) would be a hard thing to do. During the shareware/pre-steam days where you may have downloaded the full game with a soft lock, I’ve played a whole game and then try find way to send my money as well. (was not living in NA at that time and there was no guarantee that a game will be imported with official vendor.)

  • Hate to say this but what a big blob of BS because the ownership class find out pretty early that if no one else is making money to buy the shits they make, they can’t make more money. (We will skip the pre 1900 slavery scenario, as they can just force you to work and just keep you alive is enough as slaves are “production equipment” like cows/horses. )

    People generate value if they do or make something other people want, currency invented to cover that value gap so supply, demand, skill and rarity, efficiency and many different quality of your work/product/service decides how many $ you get when people want your service. At least, that’s how it all should be in equal footing. But since money == power when the scale goes up, since ancient time successful merchants holds a lot influence in politics and cause unbalance in wealth distribution. They can only push it so far until they get hunting down and stuff taken, but usually by other influential political/business figures that does the raids.

    Having said the above, a lot of small and medium scale business owners values their employees a lot, especially those that truly have the skill set that compliments their business. And, do I need to remind you to do a bit of study of history, the invention of machines, tele-communication and then the boom of computers(especially general purpose ones), yet global population keeps going up and up instead of all starved to death cause the jobs these past things replaced?

    And, just to do a quick review of how much people hates the automated phone support menu system transition from traditional to modern voice recognition ones. Or how many internet goer hates the auto generated useless pages plague our search result and provide nothing useful, waste our time click and read just to serve some ads? Yeah, like many worried before, what if computer replaced our jobs? Well, they need people to make the computer work. AI isn’t going to be fully automated and self improve, we are pretty far from that. many successful model needs guided training, and usually prevents additional feedback into the system to avoid degrading the performance.

  • I think the discovery aspec would come from these:

    • links from your frequently visited sites, community
    • recommendations when you ask in more niche group, the frequent there usually can point you to a better youtuber/reviewer.
    • or some lazy effort when you just go to the default and search with keywords(while in a container tab) and navigate through the useless stuff.

    I complaint because now my youtube feed are filled with other pseudo-science and auto-generated stuff, youtube’s algorithm have failed me basically. Half are from my subs and another half are from people or program that are trying to exploit you with those “try this to improve …” shit and just paste some sounding scientist names.

  • the day this combo no longer works is the day I don’t visit youtube. Honestly if there are some alternative front end/extension that’s better please let me know. I visit youtube for times like game award announcement(so trailers and official release), search for review benchmark while I want to buy PC stuff, and the rest mostly just game educational stuff from Digital Foundry and channel like PBS Space Time. I am doing the upkeeping(so tagging channel as not interested or straight blocking them), but recent generated clips are flooding Youtube like crazy. I want to have a page/frontend that only my subscribed channels and whitelist keywords to show up.